President Akufo-Addo has refuted allegations by the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama that he is a ‘clearing agent’ concerning the fight against corruption in the country.

According to him, his administration has adhered strictly to the public procurement laws thereby, “ensuring that public resources are judiciously used for the benefit of all Ghanaians.”

“Before I conclude, Madam Chief Justice, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sure we are all aware of the statement by the former President and perennial NDC presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama, stigmatizing me as the clearing agent. Because for him mere allegation without more is enough to merit condemnation of an accused public official, especially one of my administration.

“For my part, and let me state it again for the record, I will not set aside due process and the rules of natural justice on the altar of the fight against corruption, no matter how much opprobrium this position incurs for me,” President Akufo-Addo disclosed during the Commissioning of ‘The Law House’-  a new office accommodation for the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice in Accra.

The Attorney General (AG) and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame on his part has called for “full digitalization of the operations of the office,” in its quest to deliver effective services.

He indicated that the “operationalization of an integrated information management system” will fit into the modernized world.

“We cannot have a modern legal service without a fully functional digitized working environment.”

“Distinguished guests, last night as I looked in admiration at how orderly and almost bare the desk in my new office looked (and those who are close to me know that I like space – big spaces), I quickly remembered that in less than a day, mountains of file will clutter the desk.

“Without a doubt, we must move away from this unhealthy situation,” Godfred Dame stated.

He added that, “We cannot have a modern legal service without a fully functional digitized working environment.”

Source: Ghana/