As part of measures to protect the youth from narcotic drugs and its negative implications, the Juaben Anglican Child and Youth Development Centre in the Juaben Municipality of the Ashanti Region, has embarked on a community child protection campaign against illicit drug usage.

The campaign is aimed at sensitizing and educating caregivers, community folks and beneficiaries on the need to protect children from exposure to drugs and its implications in derailing the children from positive earns.

The Campaign which was on the theme: ‘’THE POSITION OF THE LAW AND HEALTH IMPLICATION ON ILLICIT DRUG USAGE’’ attracted dignitaries including traditional leaders, religious leaders, educationists, security services as well as other youth leaders in the Juaben community.

As part of the outreach, trained members moved into homes to educate parents and guardians on the adverse impact of drugs and substance abuse on children.

Speaking to kasapa News after the campaign, Kwame Osae Aseidu, Director of Juaben Anglican Child Youth Development Center expressed concern about the recent increasing rate of cases of drug addiction recorded among children and how it was impeding early childhood development.

Insisting that the future belonged to the young ones, he underscored the need for the youth to be protected from drugs to safeguard their future.

He advised the youth to ‘’say no to drugs and its related activities’’ and further urged parents and guardians to monitor the daily activities of their wards and act appropriately if they observed any sinister changes in their usual behavioral patterns.

The Municipal Health Director of Juaben, Akwasi Ibrahim Seidu reiterated harrowing stories about how young persons have suffered a devastating blow to their mental and physical health after indulging in drugs.

Educating the youth on the position of the law, Detective Sergeant Sampson Kojo Sarfo took the gathering through Ghana’s laws that govern the cultivation, possession, sale and use of banned substances.

He made it clear that the law governing the consumption and possession of drugs has no respect for persons irrespective of age.

Source: Ghana/ Owusu