Okyeame Kwame

In a candid interview on Rhythmzlive with Blessing, Ghanaian musician Okyeame Kwame opened up about his journey and the evolution of his career in the music industry. The interview offered a deep dive into the artist’s thoughts and experiences, shedding light on his perspective on longevity and success in music.

Okyeame Kwame, renowned for his lyrical prowess and impactful rap, shared insights from his early days as an artist. He reflected, “When I started as a musician, I wasn’t even thinking about the future. I didn’t think I would be a musician forever. I was just a young boy that could rap. I wanted people to hear me, see me, and feel me. I wasn’t thinking I was going to be a musician for 10 years or even five years.”

The artist reminisced about his journey through the late ’90s and early 2000s, a period that saw him relocate to the United States for a few years. “After 97, 98, 99… In 2000, I went to live in America for three years and I came back in 2003 or 2004,” he recounted. This time abroad, he suggested, was part of his organic and unplanned path in music.

Okyeame Kwame emphasized that the concept of longevity wasn’t something he considered during his early years. “The concept of longevity wasn’t integral in my thinking in my 20s. I was just expressing my talent and didn’t think of it as a career or a job. Rap had given me a voice, and since it was the only thing I excelled at, I knew I was going to do it for a long time as long as I was enjoying it.”

He further elaborated on his artistic philosophy, noting, “Art has no plan. The less plans it has, the more beautiful it is, like an adventure.” This spontaneous approach, according to Okyeame Kwame, has been a significant factor in his sustained presence in the music industry.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM