Prince David Osei

Celebrated Ghanaian actor Prince David Osei has made a heartfelt appeal for national unity and responsibility amidst the ongoing economic challenges facing the country.

In a thought-provoking Instagram post, Osei emphasized the importance of collective effort in overcoming economic difficulties, urging Ghanaians to support each other and the government’s initiatives.

Highlighting recent infrastructure improvements, Osei praised the government’s road construction projects, particularly a new road in East Legon. “This is incredibly beautiful. The road construction is impeccable,” he wrote. “I live in East Legon, and with this new road connecting from School Junction through Trassacco to the motorway, I won’t have to wake up at 5.30 am every morning just to beat the East Legon traffic. Impressive work by the government.”

Osei acknowledged the widespread nature of the current economic turmoil, pointing out that even developed nations like the United Kingdom are grappling with inflation and recession. He also noted that major companies such as Shell PLC, Guinness Ltd, and Microsoft are relocating from neighboring Nigeria due to economic instability. “The global economic crisis is being felt worldwide, and it’s not easy. However, I firmly believe that our economy will recover,” he stated.

In his message, Osei stressed the need for Ghanaians to remain optimistic and proactive. “Not everything has been perfect with this administration, but at least we are seeing some positives,” he said. “We all need to work together to build our nation. Let’s be responsible and accountable citizens. Better days are ahead for Ghana.”

Osei’s call for unity and resilience comes at a crucial time as Ghana navigates its way through the global economic downturn, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. His message resonates with many who are seeking hope and direction in these challenging times.

As the nation continues to face economic headwinds, Osei’s appeal for a united front and responsible citizenship serves as a reminder that overcoming adversity requires collective effort and faith in the country’s future.

Source: Ghana/ Mensah