Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame arrives in Court as the prosecution prepares to subject  Richard Jakpa to cross-examination in the ongoing trial.

“As I have been explaining, the answer is not a simple yes or no. I was being victimized, and that is why I am explaining” – Jakpa explains failing military exams.

“I was reposted from Sunyani to Accra because of a problem I had with the former Minister of Defence, Addo Kufuor” – Jakpa to the Court during his days in the Armed Forces.

“In the military, we are trained and governed by military rules, and in those rules, we are trained not to obey unlawful commands” – Jakpa on why he refused to hand over his brief as ordered by Addo Kufuor.

“I cannot confirm for him (Godfred Dame). I am not in his (AG) mind, and I am not his PA, so whether he knew I am the cousin of Justice Yoni Kulendi, he is the only person who can tell” – Jakpa to the Court on the Prosecution’s question about whether the AG knew him prior to filing charges.

“It is true I sent him (Godfred Dame) a message to introduce myself, and in this exhibit, it is not here, but I have indicated that I introduced myself to him” – Jakpa to the Court under cross-examination.

“I brought the relevant portions of the conversation with the Attorney General that will make my case” – Jakpa to the Court on the exclusion of portions of the WhatsApp chat with Godfred Dame.

“The WhatsApp conversation was between the Attorney General and myself. He is at liberty to bring the other portions that he feels will discredit what I have presented here” – Jakpa to the Court under cross-examination.

“Yes, but I don’t have the number of WhatsApp messages in my head. What I do know, and is on his (AG’s) phone and my phone is that he (Godfred Dame) called me, gave me an assignment, and I executed it” – Jakpa on sending 68 messages to the AG and receiving only two replies.

“I gave him feedback, and he acknowledged the feedback. Prior to that, I sent him a WhatsApp message requesting a private meeting at his convenience, and he responded that he would arrange for our meeting through my cousin (Justice Yoni Kulendi)” – Richard Jakpa said under cross-examination.

“I didn’t suggest my cousin’s (Justice Yoni Kulendi’s) house; he (Godfred Dame) suggested my cousin’s house” – Richard Jakpa to the Court under cross-examination by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Source: Ghana/ Inusah