US President Joe Biden last night failed to live up to expectations in what was billed as a crucial political match with former President Donald Trump ahead of the 2024 presidential election in November.

In the CNN-hosted debate in Atlanta, Georgia, President Biden sounded incoherent and in some cases inaudible as he plundered through his answers in an underwhelming manner.

Although the Democratic Nominee’s fitness had been questioned throughout his presidency, Mr. Biden watered down such criticisms when he delivered a fiery State of the Union Address early this year.

In a submission relating to the country’s growing national debt, the president stuttered through and slowly paused when he lost his thought pattern ceding ground to Trump to pounce on his shaky finish.

“We will to help make sure all the things we need to do; Childcare, Eldercare, strengthening our healthcare system, making sure we are able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do,” Mr. Biden opened. “Dealing with everything we have to do with Covid – look, if – We finally beat Medicare.”

On the issue of reproductive rights, President Biden was unable to explain the stark contrast between his position and his opponent’s, offering Trump the opportunity to pose as a moderate on a rallying subject for Democrats.

While Biden struggled with his hoarse voice throughout the debate, he chided Donald Trump on many topics including his legal woes, sexual relations with an adult film star and accepting the presidential elections if he loses.
“How many billions of dollars do you owe in civil penalties?” the president quizzed the former president. “For molesting a woman in public, having sex with a porn star on the night – while your wife was pregnant. You have the morals of an alley cat.”

Mr. Trump quickly rebutted, “I didn’t have sex with a porn star.”

President Biden attacked Trump for his refusal to accept the 2020 presidential election, expressing doubt that the former president would change course because he was “such a whiner”.  

On his part, former President Trump appeared disciplined and lively as he went after the Biden administration’s policies ranging from immigration, through economics to foreign policy.
In a CNN flash poll after the debate, two-thirds of viewers said Donald Trump had won the debate.

Democrats will be reeling from President Biden’s underperformance as they seek to galvanize a shaken base.

Source: Ghana/ Asare Amoamah