NDC stalwart Joseph Yamin launched the Hawks in Kumasi
NDC stalwart Joseph Yamin launched the Hawks in Kumasi

The National Organizer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Joseph Yamin has served notice, that the party has mapped out a strategy to match any rigging machinery ahead of December’s National Elections.

The party says it has taken note of comments suggesting the governing New Patriotic Party has a strategy to win elections by all means including stealing votes.

Speaking on the Ultimate Breakfast Show in Kumasi, the national organizer of the NDC Joseph Yamin warned that the NDC has what it takes to respond in equal measure, should the New Patriotic Party initiate any suspicious move.

 “When they were coming to power, they said the battle is the Lords but now they say the battle is rigging. Sammy Awuku makes a statement that we will win the election with a strategy. What strategy is that?” he asked.

He told host Julius Caesar Anadem, “If they steal we will steal. If their means of making Mahamudu Bawumia unfortunately the president by rigging, we will rig.”

Refusing to retract the statement, he insisted, “You think I became national organizer to clap for the NPP to rig elections? I came to win an election for Ghana and the NDC.”

He called what he described as the ‘stealing for stealing challenge’, a revolution to rescue Ghana from the suffocating grip of the New Patriotic Party.

If they play it fair we will play it fair but if they rig we will rig. No matter what, the second independence of Ghana will be secured.  I am declaring a revolution on your show now. A revolution not with the gun but with the thumb.

“Have you seen what happened in Kenya? The youth will stand up and fight this government through the proper channel.”

“Whatever means they think can make Mahamudu Bawumia a president, we understand that system better than them,” he added.

Joseph Yamin further described calls from the NPP’s national Organizer Henry Nana Boakye for a presidential debate, as “a waste of time.”

He contended that both Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and his proposed running mate cannot match the mental capacities of the flagbearer of the NDC and former president, John Dramani Mahama, and his running mate Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang.

How do you bring Mahamudu Bawumia to debate former president John Dramani Mahama? How can you bring NAPO to debate Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang? Before becoming a professor she had four Doctorates with about eight Masters. It opens your brain. You think that anybody can go to school and get there?” he queried.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/Ivan Heathcote Fumador