The 2024 PwC Ghana Banking Survey Report indicates that despite a significant move toward digital banking by many banking institutions, nearly half (47%) of banking customers still favor traditional banking methods.

In contrast, 53% of customers currently prefer digital banking, conducting their banking activities through digital channels using phones, laptops, and tablets.

The survey adds that customers that took the survey seem to suggest that, bank mobile apps are the preferred digital channels (64%) well ahead of USSD (16%) and web/ Internet (16%).

The 2024 survey which focused on customer banking experiences reveals almost two-thirds (64%) of bank customers say short in-branch wait times contribute the most in making their banking experiences delightful.

The survey adds, 60% of customers that took the survey want to spend ten minutes or less in a branch to complete their banking transaction.

WhatsApp towers over the heads of other common social media channels as customers’ preferred interaction platform with 42% of bank customers preferring it as their everyday communication and social media channel. A significantly smaller percentage of customers (11.2%) selected Facebook as their second choice for interaction. Youtube (8.1%), LinkedIn (7.7%), and Instagram (6.9%) then follow.

The survey further reveals that customers like to transact frequently mostly involving very simple transactions, e.g. funds deposits, transfers and payments (80%) and cash withdrawals (74%).

Almost two-thirds (62%) of responding customers noted that they undertake banking transactions approximately once weekly; more than a third (37%) stated that they conduct banking transactions very frequently, i.e. at least twice a week.

The survey summarily calls for the need to improve digital channels.

“The simplicity of the transactions underscores the value of speed and easy access to customers, and further explains the importance of well-functioning digital channels” it expressed.

Source: Ghana/ Dedei Tettey