In a well-planned event to give back to its internal customers and to energize the team ahead of the second half of 2024, staff and management of Absa Bank Ghana LTD IN THE Ashanti Region, were treated to a day of recreation and relaxation at the banks Absa Chop Bar Experience 2024.

The event, the second of its kind, was held at the Rattray Park with the full attendance of all ten branches of Absa Bank in the regional capital.

In the midst of a variety of abundant food and drinks, fun games, departmental competitions, battle of the sexes, good music and a serene garden environment, participants partied away the weekend.

For the staff and management, it was a perfect time to know their colleagues in other branches, a platform to network and compare experiences, distress, catch up with friends and to build team bonds and synergies that could reflect positively in the bank’s productivity.

Children of staff were not left out. Play equipment including bouncing castles, trampolines, trains and console games were fully active to engage them with some kids taking away prices for partaking in dance competitions.

Branch Manager KPST Absa Kumasi, Ivy akofa agbemadzo told Ultimate News the Absa CHOP BAR EXPERIENCE formed part of initiatives of leadership towards rewarding and invigorating staff.

“We have ten branches in Kumasi and some colleagues don’t know themselves so this is an opportunity for staff to fraternize, have fun and distress. That’s the whole idea behind this.

Describing the first half of the year as fulfilling, Ivy akofa agbemadzo was optimistic the staff would take off into the second half of the year more invigorated to offer their all, to crown the year.

“You know H1 has just ended and we are just starting H2. WE expect that after this event, staff should have been distressed and would come back to work energized to give off their best,” she noted.

Managers and staff were left to show their grit participating in dare games, musical chairs, tennis and quizzes on their general knowledge of Absa Bank with winners taking home awards.

Recounting his experience, an elated Abraham Asiedu Asare of the Ahodwo Prestige Absa Bank branch commended the bank for putting together the social activity for staff to wind down their daily stressful routines.

““It’s a very good way to distress, forget about everything in the office, relate with each other and see our colleagues from other branches,” he recounted.

He told reporter Ivan Heathcote – Fumador, “It’s a fine opportunity to relax and gather new strategies for the work ahead.”

Gifty Dokyi , ABSA Suame branch WAS EXCITED, “I’ve had fun eaten TZ which haven’t had in a very long time and currently eyeing the table tennis. You know we stay indoor for a very long time sometimes from 7:30 to as late as 6:30 PM or longer. Event like this help us to have fun, come out of our usual environments and socialize with other colleagues.”

With the Master of Ceremonies Mr. Berry, EIB’s Drive Time Host on Ultimate 106.9 FM leading the charge, the event organizing partners Empire Marketing and Communications didn’t fail to ensure that every participant was treated to an unforgettable experience.

Outlining a few of Absa Bank’s demand driven products making impact in the country, Branch Manager KPST Absa Kumasi, Ivy akofa agbemadzo expressed satisfaction about the SME at 10 products, serving its business customers mainly youth and women with loans at just ten per-cent interest, the lowest anyone could ever get in the country.

“We are looking at women, those in Agribusiness,; we are looking at the FinTech businesses and youth in entrepreneurial services. We are giving loans at 10%. The impact has been great so far,” she stated.

She also encouraged residents of the Ashanti Region to visit any Absa Bank branch for personal, business, corporate and international banking solutions including the Ultimate Absa Assure and other insurance products tailor made to meet the peculiar needs of different segments of customers.

Source: Ghana/ Heathcote – Fumador