President Akufo-Addo has appointed Herbert Krapa as Minister of State at the Energy Ministry citing an escalated workload in the ministry.

Currently, Mr. Krapa is serving as Deputy Energy Minister and Chairman of the Electricity Company of Ghana’s Board.

His nomination for the position has been presented to Parliament for approval, as announced by Speaker Alban Bagbin.

“I’m writing to seek Parliamentary approval for the appointment of Honourable Herbert Krapa as Minister of State at the Minister of Energy in accordance with Article 78 of the Constitution.

“It has been the practice for some time for the Minister of Energy to be populated by a substantive minister and three deputy ministers.

“In view of the exceptionally heavy workload now attendant at the Ministry, it has become necessary to appoint a Minister of State at the Ministry in the person of Honourable Herbert Krapa, who is currently a deputy minister.”

Source: Ghana/