In yet another glossy promise ahead of the December polls, the ruling New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate contesting for the Asuogyaman seat, Pius Hadzide says he will facilitate exeats for students in the area should they require them.

Mr. Hadzide who was speaking to a group of visiting learners told them he had contacts in their school’s hierarchy which meant that seeking exeats on their behalf would not be a problem.

“The headmaster is my friend, I have a lot of good friends in your school so exeat should not be an issue,” he told the students who could barely contain their excitement.

He told the students his doors were always opened to them should they require any assistance.

At the Senior High School level, boarding students may seek permission to return home or travel elsewhere on legitimate grounds. Such a permission which is recorded in their exeat cards can be granted by the housemaster or housemistress. In some cases, the senior housemaster or senior housemistress permit students to go on exeats.

Politicians and outsiders in political authority are not in the chain of seeking exeats.

Mr. Hadzide’s promise comes on the heels of an assurance to young people in the area that we would help them travel abroad to earn a living if he became Member of Parliament.

The former deputy Information Minister later defended his comments on GHOne, insisting that there was “nothing wrong” with facilitating travels of constituents who had the interest and skill to travel.

Source: Ghana/ Asare Amoamah