Lawyers for the majority leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin currently moving a motion with supporting affidavits for a stay of execution of the decision by Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin to declare the seats of four Members of Parliament (MPs) vacant over switching of allegiance at the Supreme Court with the Chief Justice presiding.

The Ex parte application is to cure the mischief of stalling the business of government in order to make government unpopular – Lawyers for the Majority Leader

The decision by the Speaker amounts to a denial of the constitutional rights of representation by the constituents of the 4 MPs whose seats have been declared vacant- Lawyers for the majority leader

The Speaker usurped the powers of the Supreme Court by interpreting article 97 of the constitution- Lawyers for majority leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin

The filing of nominations by the 4 MPs does not amount to carpet crossing- Lawyers for majority leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin

We can foresee likely chaos and disturbance if the pre-ruling status quo is not maintained- Lawyers for majority leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin

Throwing a court process on the table is proper service – Chief Justice on a claim by Speaker of Parliament the court process was thrown on the table of the head of legal of Parliament

Source: Ghana/ Alhassan