
In a nation renowned for its rich heritage and resilient spirit, we are witnessing a betrayal not just of our land but of our very character.

Galamsey has become the mirror that reflects our moral decay—a tale where citizens, driven by desperation, and leaders, blinded by indifference or greed, conspire in an unspoken pact to ravage the earth that sustains us all.

As rivers run muddy and forests fall, the true tragedy is not just the devastation of our environment, but the erosion of our values.

We are a people caught in a tragic irony, where our leaders’ promises of protection are drowned by their inaction, and our collective quest for survival slowly poisons the future we wish to build.

From the days when artisanal mining was a small-scale subsistence activity, galamsey—originally born out of the need for survival—has morphed into a monstrous enterprise, fueled by corruption, lawlessness, and a desperate scramble for quick wealth.

What began as a means for local communities to eke out a living, has escalated into a national crisis that threatens the very fabric of our society.

The history of galamsey is marred by cycles of promises and failures; each new initiative to curb it is soon drowned by the flood of illegal operations that persist, emboldened by the complicity of those who should stand as our guardians.

The chaos of galamsey today is a stark reflection of a country at war with itself. With each illegal mine, we unearth not just gold, but also our darkest impulses—greed, neglect, and the relentless pursuit of profit at the expense of all else.

The heart of our nation, our fertile lands and pure waters, are being torn apart by powerful, shadowy networks that extend beyond the miners with shovels and pickaxes to those in high places who turn a blind eye, pocket bribes, or quietly reap the rewards of this destruction.

The current landscape of galamsey is one of lawlessness and despair. Once lush forests are now barren wastelands; rivers that once provided sustenance to entire communities are now toxic and lifeless.

The mercury and cyanide used in these mining processes poison not just the soil and water, but the very soul of our country.

Local farmers are losing their livelihoods as land becomes unfit for agriculture, and communities that once thrived are now haunted by the specter of diseases linked to environmental degradation.

Despite numerous government interventions, including military operations and the formation of task forces, the menace of galamsey remains largely unchecked.

Each failed attempt to control the situation has only emboldened the miners and their backers, creating a vicious cycle of destruction that seems impossible to break.

Our leaders’ pledges to tackle the problem are met with skepticism and outright disbelief, for the evidence of inaction lies all around us. We have been promised solutions, but all we see are deeper pits, murkier waters, and a landscape littered with broken commitments.

The fight against galamsey is not just a battle for the environment; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. It is a call to reclaim our identity, to remember that the true wealth of Ghana lies not beneath the ground, but in the health of our lands, the clarity of our waters, and the strength of our communities.

We must rise above the allure of short-term gains and recognize the long-term costs that we are incurring.

Our leaders must act with integrity and resolve, enforcing laws not just in rhetoric but in practice, while citizens must hold them accountable, demanding the stewardship that our future depends on.

As we stand on the brink, we are faced with a choice: continue down the path of devastation or chart a new course that honors our heritage and protects our environment for generations to come.

The true measure of our nation will not be in the gold we extract but in the legacy we leave behind. It is time to decide which story we want to tell.

Source: Ghana/ Fort