The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is set to gather comprehensive data on short-stay commercial accommodation facilities as part of its Tourism Satellite Account which calculates the real contribution of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry to Ghana’s economy.

The Accommodation Units Survey is the third of a four-part survey that will gather data on the operations, capacity, expenses, and revenues of hotels, guest houses, budget hotels, hostels, homestays, and apartments.

  • Out of the 9,602 facilities, the survey will sample 1077 commercial accommodation units in all 261 districts and 16 administrative regions of the country that are mainly engaged in providing short-stay commercial accommodation including both licensed and unlicensed establishments.
  • Speaking at a pre-survey stakeholders consultative meeting at the Miklin Hotel in Kumasi, the president of the Ghana Hotels Association (GHA) Dr. Edward Ackah-Nyamike pointed out that arming the industry with real data will among other things support its push for favorable policies and a rational tax regime that supports growth of the sector.

“Over the years, we have been arguing that we pay too much taxes. I am sure a project like this which provides us with accurate data, will further support the need for government to peg our taxes at levels that are conducive for business,” he noted.

Professor Michael Ofosu Ofori, a technical advisor and consultant to the Accommodation Unit Survey admitted that though the creative arts and tourism sector is the third biggest contributor to Ghana’s GDP; the contribution of the sector might be under represented as a result of inadequate data.

“We have been reporting estimated figures. This baseline survey provides us an opportunity to calculate the exact contribution of the Tourism Sector, to the economy,” he indicated.

An officer with the Services sector of the statistical service Rebecca Nkansah Ninson took stakeholders mainly facility managers, members of the umbrella bodies, staff of the Ghana Tourism Authority and the media through the survey instrument, the methodology and the obligations of both enumerators and industry players.

Sharing their expectations; industry leaders who spoke to GHONE NEWS cautioned the Statistical Service to uphold the confidentiality of their data.

“We are told that this data will be used confidentially so we are expecting that it is for the benefit of the country for all of us to have data for planning;” a hotel manager told reporter Ivan Heathcote – Fumador.

The Ghana Statistical Service has already completed the Ghana International Travelers’ Survey and the Domestic and Outbound Tourism Survey which form the first two units of the Tourism Satellite Account.

The Accommodation Unit Survey which commences in November, will end in October 2025 by which time the final leg of the TSA, the Tourism Supply Establishment Survey, would have also concluded.

Source: Ghana/ Heathcote – Fumador