The National Theater was a sea of colour, glamour and festivity Wednesday night as thousands of drama lovers throng the facility for the premier of Uncle Ebo Whyte’s latest play, the Blackmail.

Featuring 10 characters, the play mixes humour, suspense and class to tell a story of determined wife, Mama Gifty who despite her husband’s infidelity was committed to salvage her marriage from collapse.

Impressed by the immaculacy with which the characters performed on stage, a 25 year old Lawrencia Annan in an interview with said “this is amazingly awesome and indescribable.”

Addressing Journalists after the premier of the play that also tackles the Ghanaian view about religious leaders, Ebo Whyte said the play Blackmail is “a story within a story, within a story, within a story.”

“You have about 1500 people to come to the theater to watch a play; every one of them is at a different face in their own journey. So there is a story line that would not resonate with somebody but it may resonate with another. So we did that so that at least by the time you leave here everybody would have found something that resonate with him,” he said.

Impressive scenes from the various actors and actresses of ‘Blackmail’ got the audience laughing off their seats, as a combination of musical acts and choreography sandwiched the drama on stage.

Roverman Productions – producers of ‘Blackmail’ – announced that the play will be showed on the weekend of March 25 and April 1.