A ravaging fire has razed down a six bedroom house of a teacher while in church at Somanya in the Eastern region.

The fire which reportedly started in one of the single rooms, rented to a tenant, destroyed several properties including, academic certificates, cloths and a cash amount of GHC10,000.

The fire quickly spread to other rooms burning all properties in the room.

When firefighters from the Ghana National Fire Service arrived at the scene, the fire had already consumed the entire building.

The owner of the house, Michael Tetteh Nartey, 37, said his  family has been rendered homeless, adding that they have no cloth to wear since everything has been burnt.

According to him, the GHC10, 000 cash consumed by the fire belongs to customers who trade with his wife.

“I went for church service and on my way back I received news that my house was on fire. My wife was around and she said they saw smoke coming out of one of the rooms belonging to a tenant and they tried opening it but the tenant was out and because we couldn’t open the door,  the fire spread quickly and before the fire service came everything was burnt down.

“As we speak now God is my only hope the only thing I have left now is my clothes that I’m currently wearing same as my wife and my kids, its very sad and I don’t know what to do,” he lamented.

He appealed to the National Disaster Management Organization, NADMO, and other benevolent individuals to come to the aid of his family.