Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan expecting second baby girl

Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan are expecting another baby girl.The Facebook CEO announced the news -- where else? -- in a Facebook post on Thursday. The couple welcomed their first daughter, Max, in 2015 after experiencing...

Google develops invisible web security Captcha form

Website security checks that challenge people to prove they are human are likely to "disappear" in favour of a new system developed by Google. Captcha checks typically ask people to complete a puzzle that a...

Uber stops using Greyball ‘secret program’ to dodge regulators

Uber says it will ban a secret software tool from being used to evade undercover regulators.The software, called Greyball, seeks to identify officials around the world trying to catch Uber drivers operating illegally. It...

Samsung’s Saxena calls for patronage of quality over price

The Director, Consumer Electronics for Samsung Ghana, Mr. Vishwas Saxena has called on Ghanaians to ensure that they purchase quality electronic products made by Samsung to ensure that they get their money’s worth over...

Facebook failed to remove sexualised images of children

Facebook has been criticised for its handling of reports about sexualised images of children on its platform. The chairman of the Commons media committee, Damian Collins, said he had "grave doubts" about the effectiveness of...

Windows 10 to offer update ‘snoozes’

Microsoft will enable Windows 10 users to choose when security updates are installed once they arrive rather than enforcing them straightaway. Users have complained that the reboots required for some updates, which cannot currently be...

Samsung Group chief to be charged with bribery, embezzlement amid scandal

South Korea's special prosecutor's office said on Tuesday it will charge Samsung Group chief Jay Y. Lee and four other executives with bribery and embezzlement amid a political scandal that has rocked the country.Lee...

Nokia 3310 mobile phone resurrected at MWC 2017

Nokia's 3310 phone has been relaunched nearly 17 years after its debut. Many consider the original handset iconic because of its popularity and sturdiness. More than 126 million were produced before it was phased out...

Google’s self-driving firm sues Uber

Uber is being sued for stealing trade secrets and technology from Google. Waymo, set up by Google owner Alphabet, is taking legal action against Otto, Uber's self-driving vehicle unit that it bought last year for...

Tinder wants AI to set you up on a date

When I first met Sean Rad, back in 2013, Tinder was a blossoming dating app. It was known primarily for, how shall I put it, casual relationships. Back then he told me Tinder was “good...