Russia vows ‘reprisals’ over US sanctions

Russia has pledged “adequate reprisals” over US sanctions and accused Washington of trying to destroy ties by making “unfounded” allegations of interference in the US election.

The United States wants to “definitively destroy US-Russia relations which have already reached a low,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday, adding that Russia will “react in an adequate manner based on the principles of reciprocity”.

Washington announced a series of measures against Russia, including tough sanctions on Russia’s top two intelligence agencies, the expulsion of 35 diplomats and a decision to shut down two Russian compounds in the US.

 “We categorically reject the unfounded assertions and accusations made about Russia,” Peskov said, according to the Ria-Novosti news agency.

“The American sanctions against Russia and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in 72 hours are proof of a real paranoia,” said Leonid Slutsky, the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

“They are once again taking very aggressive measures against our country,” he said, according to Ria-Novosti.

‘Election hacking’

President Barack Obama had all but accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of personally ordering a cyber-hack that many Democrats believe damaged Hillary Clinton’s chances in November’s closely fought election with Republican foe Donald Trump.

The US intelligence community has concluded that a hack-and-release of Democratic Party and Clinton staff emails was designed to put Trump – a politician with no diplomatic experience who has praised Putin – into the Oval Office.

The US government is also declassifying technical information on Russian cyber activity to help companies defend against future attacks.

Richard Weitz, fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC, told Al Jazeera: “The Kremlin needs to calculate, and it’s in a bit of a dilemma here, how much do they want to show they’re tough and respond at the risk of harming relations with a new US administration that’s coming to power in a few weeks, which clearly wants to improve relations with Russia.”

The White House says it will provide a more detailed briefing of its claims to congress, said Al Jazeera’s Kimberly Halkett, reporting from Washington, DC.

“The timing of that report is curious, roughly three weeks before Trump is set to be sworn into office,” she said.

“It’s a move that may have been designed to put Donald Trump in a difficult spot, forcing him as one of his first acts of office to decide whether to lift the Russian sanctions that many members of his own Republican Party support, while at the same time putting at risk the Russian relationship many allege may have helped him win the White House,” said Halkett.

Speaking after the announcement of sanctions, Trump – currently on holiday in Florida – said that it was time for the US “to move on”.

However, the incoming president also vowed to meet with intelligence leaders to learn more.

Lilit Gevorgyan, Russia analyst with IHS Global Insight, told Al Jazeera: “What we’re seeing is a mismatch between what the outgoing Obama administration is saying, and what the newly-elected president is saying about Russia … Yes, perhaps Russia is celebrating a victory, but I believe that it’s a short term victory. What is worrying is what’s coming next.”

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

U.S. evicts Russians for spying, imposes sanctions after election hacks


President Barack Obama on Thursday ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian suspected spies and imposed sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies over their involvement in hacking U.S. political groups in the 2016 presidential election.

The measures, taken during the last days of Obama’s presidency, mark a new post-Cold War low in U.S.-Russian ties and set up a potential flashpoint between incoming President-elect Donald Trump and fellow Republicans in Congress over how to deal with Moscow.

Obama, a Democrat, had promised consequences after U.S. intelligence officials blamed Russia for hacks intended to influence the 2016 election. Officials pointed the finger directly at Russian President Vladimir Putin for personally directing the efforts and primarily targeting Democrats, who put pressure on Obama to respond.

“These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate response to efforts to harm U.S. interests in violation of established international norms of behavior,” Obama said in a statement from Hawaii, where he is on vacation.

“All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions,” he said.

It was not clear whether Trump, who has repeatedly praised Putin and nominated people seen as friendly toward Moscow to senior administration posts, would seek to roll back the measures once he takes office on Jan. 20.

Trump has brushed aside allegations from the CIA and other intelligence agencies that Russia was behind the cyber attacks. He said on Thursday he would meet with intelligence officials soon.

“It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things,” Trump said in a statement.

“Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation,” he said, without mentioning Russia.

The Kremlin, which denounced the sanctions as unlawful and promised “adequate” retaliation, questioned whether Trump approved of the new sanctions. Moscow denies the hacking allegations.

U.S. intelligence agencies say Russia was behind hacks into Democratic Party organizations and operatives ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election. U.S. intelligence officials say the Russian cyber attacks were aimed at helping Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Republican and Democratic lawmakers have voiced concern about Russia’s actions, setting up a potential wall of opposition should Trump seek to overturn Obama’s measures.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in Congress, said Russia “has consistently sought to undermine” U.S. interests and called the sanctions overdue.

Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham said they intended to lead effort in Congress to “impose stronger sanctions on Russia.”

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told Fox News he did not condone foreign governments hacking U.S. institutions.

“It’s wrong and it’s something we don’t agree with,” Priebus said. “However, it would be nice if we could get to a place where the intelligence community in unison can tell us what it is that has been going on and what the investigation was and what it has led to so that we can respond.”

The Trump team’s response could generate bipartisan discord early in the new administration’s tenure.

“This is going to be a key source of tension post-inauguration,” said Eric Lorber, a senior associate at the Financial Integrity Network, which advises banks on sanctions.


Obama put sanctions on two Russian intelligence agencies, the GRU and the FSB, four GRU officers and three companies that he said “provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.”

He said the State Department declared as “persona non grata” 35 Russian intelligence operatives and is closing two Russian compounds in New York and Maryland that were used by Russian personnel for “intelligence-related purposes.” The State Department originally said the 35 were diplomats.

The 45-acre complex in Maryland includes a Georgian-style brick mansion, swimming pool, tennis courts and cottages for embassy staff.

A senior U.S. official told Reuters the expulsions would come from the Russian embassy in Washington and consulate in San Francisco. The Russian embassy declined to comment.

The Russians have 72 hours to leave the United States, the official said. Access to the two compounds will be denied to all Russian officials as of noon on Friday.

The State Department has long complained that Russian security agents and traffic police have harassed U.S. diplomats in Moscow, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has raised the issue with Putin and his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov.

The U.S. official declined to name the Russian diplomats who would be affected, although it is understood that Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak, will not be one of those expelled.

Obama said the actions announced on Thursday were just the beginning.

“These actions are not the sum total of our response to Russia’s aggressive activities. We will continue to take a variety of actions at a time and place of our choosing, some of which will not be publicized,” Obama said.


Source: Reuters


Serena Williams engaged to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian

Tennis great Serena Williams and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian are engaged.

A spokesperson for Ohanian confirmed that he popped the question while the two were vacationing in Rome. Williams first announced the news herself in a Reddit post on its “r/isaidyes” forum.

“I came home/A little late/Someone had a bag packed for me/And a carriage awaited” Williams said in her Reddit post, which was written like a poem and had a cartoon of the couple at the top. “Destination: Rome/To escort me to my very own ‘charming’/Back to where our stars first collided/And now it was full circle/At the same table we first met by chance/This time he made it not by chance/But by choice/Down on one knee/He said 4 words/And/r/isaidyes.”

Ohanian also announced the engagement on his Facebook page, linking to Williams’ Reddit post and adding, “She said yes.”

Williams and Ohanian, who have been dating since the fall of 2015, have mostly kept their romance out of the spotlight, though she does post pictures of them on her Instagram account from time to time.

Source: CNN

Sustain Ghana’s growth path – Mahama to Nana Addo

President John Mahama has appealed to President-elect Nana Akufo-Addo to sustain Ghana’s growth when he takes over in January 7, next year.

According to the President, Ghana is on the verge of a socio-economic break through due to the solid foundation laid by successive governments, and therefore the need to sustain the path  .

“It is my prayer as I prepare to hand over the administration of the country on January 7  next year that , our exploit and initiatives will be sustained for the betterment of our dear nation Ghana”.

Mr.  Mahama on Thursday cut sod for the construction of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development at Somanya  amidst  tears by aggrieved supporters of the NDC.

The 45 million pound commercial agreement Fund for the project between the government of Ghana and Italy  has been approved by Parliament .

The President commended parliament for passing the necessary agreements for the realization of the university in particular,  the Education select committee.

The President announced  that the first Vice Chancellor for the university will soon been appointed following the completion of work by the implementation committee.

The proposed university is aimed at ensuring a paradigm shift in the tertiary education sector with focus on training Environmental and Sustainable development professionals in Ghana through its general and specialized degree programs.

The programs to be offered by the University include Research into climate Change, water resource development , energy Sustainability  and energy economics and sustainability , Urban Architecture ,Natural resources ,Environmental science ,Environmental policy among others.

President Mahama said the University has its main campus at Somanya and  a satellite  campus at Donkrokro -Afram plains.

The Institution will be under four Graduate schools with fully furnished  faculty halls ,  lecture halls , laboratories and ancillary facilities . The graduate schools will be ; The School of Natural and Environmental Sciences ,The school of Sustainable Development, The school of Agriculture and Agro Entrepreneurship and The School of Built Environment .

One of the  graduate schools will have three research centers ( Center for Agro Entrepreneurship and Center for Agriculture and Biotechnology , Center for Sustainable resource development)

According to the President, Land for the University has been properly secured and documented, diffusing notion of litigation over the site.


Source:Ghana/ Ansah



One shot, Chief injured in Damongo Chieftaincy battle

A young man was reportedly shot and his father, a sub chief, sustained cutlass injuries in a deadly chieftaincy reprisal attack Thursday morning in Damongo.

Sources at the Damongo hospital where the two were being treated identified the victims as Jalil Abubakari (son) and Zanzowura Abubakari Sanefunu (sub chief).

The sources added the sub chief was being treated for an eye and head injuries.

The attack was between supporters of two chiefs installed by different authorities in the traditional area.

A candidate chosen and installed as king for Damongo by the traditional kingmakers was rejected and a different royal installed by the Yagbonwura, Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom.

Both authority went on to separately coronate the two royals as kings creating deep divisions resulting in intermittent clashes.

Thursday’s revenge attack according to Starr News sources was as a result of a previous attack on a Kingmaker who has been repeatedly accused of disrespecting Yagbonwura Tutumba Bore Essah I.

Alhaji Abass Dangba was reportedly pushed off from his motorcycle and beaten with sticks in an ambush attack by supporters loyal to the Damongowura installed by Yagbonwura.

He told Starr News that he was attacked upon returning from a police station where he went to negotiate an enquiry bail for his son arrested for self defence in a separate attack.

“On my way to the house one subchief called Zanzowura and his boys, three of them, when I was riding by their place pushed me on some firewood and started hitting my head with dry sticks”

Supporters loyal to the Damongowura installed by the Kingmaker got infuriated and revenged after Alhaji Abass’ house was again attacked with stones.

Alhaji Abass has appealed to police for protection but said for the moment they will defend themselves with “sticks, cudgels and cutlasses”.

Representative of the other faction was not readily available for comments.

Police in the area were unable to confirm or deny the incident but suggested they were ready to quell any ‘confrontation’

Several calls to the district police commander ASP Seidu Wemah went unanswered after he promised to comment on the matter.



Source: Ghana/ Tanko

Tears flow as Mahama cuts sod for Eastern Uni.

NDC supporters at Somanya in the Eastern region could not hold back their tears Thursday as President John Mahama arrived in the town to cut sod for the university of Environment and Sustainable Development.

The aggrieved supporters were seen wailing as the president started exchanging pleasantries at the ceremony grounds, Starr News’ Kojo Ansah reported.

The Eastern University was one of President Mahama’s key promises to the people of the Eastern region during the 2012 electioneering.

He said the move was intended to achieve equality since every region, except the Eastern,  had a public university.

But the President failed to see to the end of this promise as the NDC lost heavily in the 2016 electioneering.

The project now stands at the mercy of the incoming NPP  administration led by Nana Akufo-Addo.

Meanwhile, the National Executive Committee  of the NDC has called on members of the party to desist from the public blame game over the party’s defeat in the December 7, polls .

They have, instead, urged members to channel their concerns to the 13-member committee established to probe circumstances surrounding their defeat in the elections.


Source: Ghana/ Danso Acheampong

U.S, Canada, Mexico may bid for 2026 World Cup

Football officials from the U.S., Canada and Mexico are likely to meet next year to discuss a joint bid for the 2026 World Cup, CONCACAF President, Victor Montagliani, has said.

FIFA confirmed on Oct. 14 that co-hosting would be allowed at the 2026 tournament and that there would be no restrictions on the number of countries in a given bid.

 “It’s obviously a possibility,’’ Montagliani said on Wednesday on the sidelines of a sports conference in Dubai.

“We are fully aware that each country can probably host it on its own.”

CONCACAF governs football in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

A successful joint bid would be the first World Cup in CONCACAF since the tournament was held in the U.S. in 1994.

It would also be the first co-hosted World Cup since 2002 in South Korea and Japan.

“It is time for it to come back,’’ Montagliani said, adding that CONCACAF “absolutely’’ expects the 2026 tournament will be held by one of its 41 members.

“Formal discussions over a possible joint US-Canada-Mexico bid are likely to start in 2017 once all the rules and regulation related to the bid are announced.”

FIFA is proposing to expand the 32-team World Cup to up to 48 teams, potentially starting with the 2026 tournament.



NPP’s transition team rejects sitting allowance, food

The transition team of the incoming New Patriotic Party (NPP) administration has rejected allowances and other benefits which come with their work.

According to the spokesperson of the team Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the move was part of one of the austere measures to save the ailing economy.

The MP-elect for Ofoase-Ayiribi in the Eastern region told the media, the transition team on the part of the NPP has refused to be fed at the expense of the State.

The former broadcaster stated Nana Akufo-Addo’s representatives have received all the handing over notes from the outgoing government.

“The interim report that we have provided for the president-elect essentially cover the basic bits of information we have received currently and most importantly some national security briefings between himself and his representative on the team responsible for national security, Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah. But the detailed interim report is what you just saw us meeting about which will be submitted to him before the inauguration day,” he added.

Meanwhile, he said the president-elect has requested for a comprehensive report on the state of the country ahead of the swearing-in ceremony in order to inform his decision from January 7, 2017 when he takes over.

Source: Ghana/

Kotoko Express returns January

The resolve by the Dr. Kwame Kyei-led administration to bring back Kotoko Express to the newsstands as early as possible received a major boost on Wednesday when a cheque for GHȼ30,000 was issued to the paper’s printers.

Apart from that, the Chairman on the same day, paid a GHȼ20,000 cheque to Kotoko Express’ account to take care of operational expenses which would ensure the newspaper’s return.

A payment plan for the remainder of the debt to the printers would be finalized next week.

The club’s official mouthpiece has been off the newsstands since the 2015/16 Premier League ended. The paper’s closure was occasioned by financial difficulties it faced with its printers and staff. However upon his assumption of office, Dr. Kwame Kyei has promised to restore Kotoko Express this time with stricter monitoring and supervision of its operations.

Before the payments on Wednesday, Dr. Kyei met Associate Editor, Jerome Otchere on the changes that are to take place from January. These changes are essentially structural but it would also affect some staff of the paper.

Under the new structure, Kotoko Express and the club’s website, come directly under the supervision of the Head of Communications who will represent all Kotoko media outfits at the Management level.

The Head of Communications is therefore expected to meet the media team of the club next week on the club’s communications policy for 2016/17 season and beyond. The newspaper is likely to come after that meeting.

US actress Debbie Reynolds dies grieving for daughter Carrie Fisher

Debbie Reynolds, who starred opposite Gene Kelly in the 1952 musical Singin’ in the Rain, has died a day after the death of her daughter, Carrie Fisher.

The US actress, 84, had been rushed to hospital with a suspected stroke.

Her son, Todd Fisher, said the stress of his sister’s death had been too much for her and in her last words, she had said she wanted to be with Carrie.

US actress Bette Midler said Reynolds was “devoted to her craft” and that her death was “too hard to comprehend”.

Actress Debra Messing said Reynolds, her on-screen mother in sitcom Will and Grace, had been an “inspiration”.

“A legend of course,” she wrote in a statement. “The epitome of clean-cut American optimism, dancing with Gene Kelly as an equal, a warrior woman who never stopped working.”

For Star Trek actor William Shatner, Reynolds was one of the last of the Hollywood royalty.

Reynolds had been at her son’s house in Beverly Hills – apparently discussing the arrangements for Carrie Fisher’s funeral – when she was taken ill.

She was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre suffering from breathing difficulties and her death was confirmed a few hours later. It is thought she suffered a stroke.

Carrie Fisher, renowned for her role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars series, had died aged 60 the day before, after spending three days in a Los Angeles hospital.

She never regained consciousness after suffering a massive heart attack on board a flight from London to Los Angeles on Christmas Eve.

Speaking to the Associated Press news agency about his mother, Todd said: “She’s now with Carrie and we’re all heartbroken.”

Celebrity news site TMZ reported that Reynolds cracked while discussing plans for Carrie’s funeral with her son, telling him: “I miss her so much; I want to be with Carrie.”

Reynolds was leading lady in a succession of major Hollywood musicals and comedies in the 1950s and 60s.

She rose to stardom with Singin’ in the Rain, at the age of only 19.

She received a best actress Academy Award nomination for the 1964 musical The Unsinkable Molly Brown.

Her other films included 1973 animated film Charlotte’s Web, in which she provided the voice for the eponymous spider.

In 2015 she was given a lifetime achievement award by the Screen Actors Guild. The award was presented to her by her daughter.

Reynolds married singer Eddie Fisher in 1955 and had two children, Carrie and Todd. The couple divorced in 1959 after news emerged of his affair with movie star Elizabeth Taylor.

Reynolds married twice more.


Source: BBC