2016 elections: EC’s inclusivity impressive—Deputy Chief EU observer

Mark Stevens

The deputy chief Observer of the European Union Election Observation Mission in Ghana, Mark Stevens has lauded the efforts of the Electoral Commission (EC) in ensuring that the 2016 elections are transparent and credible.

According to him, the EU election Observer mission is impressed with the commission’s inclusive nature.

“Ghana has what I call the election architecture. Stakeholders are involved to ensure a peaceful election,” said Mr. Stevens on Thursday in an interview with Nii Arday Clegg, host of Morning Starr.

He added that: “We are actually watching the rule of law in action. It has been interesting and impressive so far.”

The European Union Election Observation Mission presence in Ghana to observe the presidential and parliamentary elections which are scheduled for December 7 was in response to an invitation  from  the Electoral Commission.

This is the third time that the European Union is observing elections in Ghana (previously in 2008 and 2012), which reflects the EU’s long-term commitment to supporting credible, transparent and inclusive elections in the country.

“The European Union is funding this whole processes,” said Mr. Stevens adding that “Two months after the elections, we’ll present a final report which will have recommendations if any.”

He said the mission is not in Ghana to direct how the electoral process goes but to assess it based on campaigns, conduct of people and candidates among others.

“As observers we do not give opinions on what is happening during the election process,” he said.

Source: Ghana/StarrFMonline.com/103.5FM/Mohammed Awal

US intelligence chief, James Clapper resigns

US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has submitted his letter of resignation, he has told a congressional panel.

He told the House Intelligence Committee that “it felt pretty good”.

The 75-year-old top American spy had been expected to step aside, as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to appoint his own officials.

Analysts believe that he is sending a signal to the Trump administration that they must now speed up the transition.

Mr Trump has denied that his transition team is in turmoil, despite having only filled two postings so far.

One of his close advisers, Kellyanne Conway, told reporters at Trump Tower in New York that announcements would be made before or after Thanksgiving, which is one week away.

Mr Clapper will remain in post until President Barack Obama leaves office.

“I submitted my letter of resignation last night which felt pretty good. I’ve got 64 days left,” he said.

Committee members jokingly asked him to stay for four more years.

Mr Clapper has authority over 17 different agencies including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and the (Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

More than 107,000 employees report to him with a combined budget of over $52 billion (£41.8 billion).

In a profile published by Wired magazine only hours before his announcement, he said that he never questioned the morality of his profession.

In his role, he has often been in the position of defending the National Security Agency (NSA), just one of the covert agencies that his office oversees.

Its image was badly damaged after Edward Snowden revealed how they collect information on American citizens.

During a 2013 congressional hearing, Mr Clapper was asked: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions, of Americans?”

“No, sir,” Mr Clapper replied.

“It does not?” the incredulous senator responded.

“Not wittingly,” Clapper said. “There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly.”

On Thursday, he was asked if Mr Trump will open up a rapprochement with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, but answered that he does not predict a “significant change in Russian behaviour”.

Mr Clapper has served in the job for six years after previously working for the US Air Force and the Defence Intelligence Agency.



Source: BBC

2016 Election is being rigged—Nduom

Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom

The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) is wining the forthcoming presidential polls slated for December 7, the party’s presidential nominee, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom has declared.

“I expect that December 8, 2016, I will be standing somewhere and declaring that Papa Kwesi Nduom and the Progressive People’s Party have won,” he said in an interview on Accra based Citi FM  Thursday.

According to the man affectionately called  ‘Edwumawura’—he is the only candidate with the requisite skills to fix the excruciating hardship being experienced by Ghanaians under the appalling leadership of President John Mahama.

The PPP, he said has the “character, content, the right policies and leadership that is different from the NDC [National Democratic Congress] and the NPP [New patriotic Party].”

He said the message of the PPP is clear, which is the creation of jobs to solve the unemployment challenges facing the country. “The PPP is needed for all Ghanaians to understand that good change is needed.”

Rigged elections

Despite his confidence that he will win the presidential race, Nduom alleged that the elections are being rigged in favour of a particular political party or candidate. As a result, he said “We will not have free and fair elections in 2016, it’s not possible, the scale is not balanced.”

He continued that: “First of all we are still working with a voters register that is flawed it is not just by my thinking the Supreme Court says so, the Electoral Commission themselves admit it. The political parties all know so if you are working with a flawed voters register you can’t have the results that you are looking for.”

“Another one is that the political parties’ law is not being implemented or enforced by the Electoral Commission. Where do people get monies from to campaign? It is not being used. And then we are all seeing day light robbery, our taxpayers’ money being used by John Dramani Mahama and the NDC to campaign; buying things to give to people and so and so forth. When blatantly state resources are being used you can’t have free and fair elections.”

Source: Ghana/StarrFMonline.com/103.5FM/Mohammed Awal

JP Morgan pays $264m to settle China ‘bribery’ probe

US bank JP Morgan Chase is to pay $264m (£212m) to settle claims it hired the children of highly placed Chinese officials to gain business in China.

The Department of Justice called the scheme “bribery by any other name” and said it threatened national security.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Justice Department (DoJ) began an investigation in 2013.

The bank will pay the SEC $130m for violations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

It is also expected to pay $72m to the US Justice Department and $61.9m to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which effectively bans US companies from paying foreign government officials to help them secure business, is one of the strictest bribery laws in the world.

JP Morgan was found to have designed a scheme to hire otherwise unqualified candidates for prestigious investment banking jobs solely because they were introduced to the bank by officials who could give it business.

JPMorgan did not pay Chinese officials directly, but the US authorities decided what it was doing amounted to the same thing.

‘Too lucrative’

In some cases, the DoJ said that candidates were hired on the understanding that the job was linked to the award of specific business. It said amounted to corruption.

The SEC said that over seven years, about 100 interns and full-time employees were hired at the request of foreign government officials, enabling JP Morgan to win or retain business that generated more than $100m in revenues.

It said: “JP Morgan employees knew the firm was potentially violating the [Foreign Corrupt Practices Act], yet persisted with the improper hiring program because the business rewards and new deals were deemed too lucrative.”

Kara Brockmeyer, of the SEC, said the misconduct was “so blatant that JP Morgan investment bankers created ‘referral hires vs revenue’ spreadsheets” to track the money flow.

The DoJ’s William Sweeney said: “When foreign officials are among those involved in the bribe, the international free market system and our national security are among the major threats we face.”

Shares in JP Morgan rose 1.1% in New York to $78.25 and are up by almost a fifth this year.


Source: BBC

Ellen DeGeneres among stars honoured by Barack Obama

Ellen DeGeneres and Bruce Springsteen are among the stars set to receive the highest US civilian honour.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom recognises people who have made “especially meritorious contributions” to the US, the White House said.

President Barack Obama will honour the 21 people at a ceremony on Tuesday.

He said the medal was a “tribute to the idea that all of us, no matter where we come from, have the opportunity to change this country for the better”.

“From scientists, philanthropists, and public servants to activists, athletes, and artists, these 21 individuals have helped push America forward, inspiring millions of people around the world along the way.”

Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro, Diana Ross and Robert Redford are among the other honourees from the entertainment world.

Bill and Melinda Gates and Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels will also be recognised.

The medal is awarded to people who have contributed to the security or national interests of the US, the White House said.

It also rewards people who have contributed to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavours.

Honourees from the sports world include basketball players Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Michael Jordan, along with veteran sports broadcaster Vin Scully.

Designer Maya Lin, polymath physicist Richard Garwin, architect Frank Gehry, attorney Newt Minow, mathematician and computer scientist Margaret H Hamilton and Eduardo Padron, and president of Miami Dade College in Florida will also receive the medal.

Posthumous honours will go to Native American advocate Elouise Cobell and Rear Admiral Grace Hopper.


Source: BBC

Vote out Mahama or forget GHC51m Woyome cash

Former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Martin Amidu has urged Ghanaians to vote out the ruling National Democratic Congress in the upcoming elections stating that, only a new government can retrieve the GHS51.2 million judgment debt paid to embattled businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

Mr. Amidu whose application to examine Mr. Woyome has been granted by the Supreme Court in a statement Thursday stated that “I am a senior and foundation member of the NDC, the governing party. But I am compelled to put Ghana first and to defend the 1992 Constitution by saying that the only way Ghanaians can have the Woyome/Austro-Invest joint loot refunded is to change the government that created, looted and shared the loot with them during the presidential election this year.”

The citizen vigilante added “a new government will prosecute Woyome under Article 2(3) and (4) of the 1992 constitution for High Crime should he delay any further in refunding the unconstitutional loot. The new government will also enforce the Waterville judgment debt of over Euro 47million loot or prosecute it for High Crime.”

Below is Mr Amidu’s full statement:


Does the Ghana Government believe us to be so easily fooled that they concoct Woyome part payments of the judgment debt as smoke and mirrors for their election campaign? The people of Ghana should demand to know from Government how its Attorney General can – in enforcing the order of the Supreme Court for Woyome to refund the unconstitutional payments made to Woyome to the Republic of Ghana – accept a cheque of GHS4,000,000.00 drawn by Woyome dated 4th November 2016 in favour of the Economic and Organized Crime Office as part payment of the monies ordered by the Court to be refunded.

The Attorney General accepted the Economic and Organized Crime Office cheque from Woyome and gave a receipt acknowledging the payment “as part payment for the Judgment Debt of GHC51, 283,483.59.” The Access Bank (GH) East Cant cheque number 890081 and the Attorney General’s receipt which were exhibited to the Attorney General’s affidavit sworn by the Attorney General herself on 9th November 2016 as Exhibits “AG 7” and “AG7A” are attached herewith in PDF for the public to judge how any Attorney General, worth the name, can accept a cheque drawn on the Economic and Organized Crime Office which was not party to the action as part payment of the refund ordered by the Court on 29th July 2014 for the Republic.

I say with all the strength at my disposal that a cheque drawn by Woyome in favour of the Economic and Organized Crime Office, which was not a party to the action or the judgment creditor, cannot be a cheque in part payment of the unconstitutional monies ordered by the Court to be refunded to the Republic. The acceptance of the Economic and Organized Crime Office cheque by the Attorney General and the deception of the public by the Attorney General that it is part payment for the refund ordered by the Court brings into question the competence of the Attorney General and the Government in pursuit of the interest of the Republic. The whole scheme appears to have been cooked to defeat my application for leave to examine Woyome orally on oath. In the hurry of the Government and Woyome to defeat my application they could not even cover their tracks with a cheque drawn on the Ministry of Finance or the Accountant-General as custodian of the consolidated fund. The cheque could also have been drawn on the Registrar of the Supreme Court and paid into court for the Republic.

The foregoing is evidence, if evidence be needed, that the Attorney General and the Government are determined to kill the non-refund of the judgment debt as an election issue by cooking up the deceptive cheque and receipt to allow the status quo to continue. They are purposefully deceiving the electorate that efforts are being made to retrieve the unconstitutional loot by Woyome jointly with Austro-Invest, the client of Lithur-Brew and Co, a law firm in which the Attorney General was a partner. The law firm is also the President’s personal lawyer.

I am a senior and foundation member of the NDC, the Governing party. But I am compelled to put Ghana First and to defend the 1992 Constitution by saying that the only way Ghanaians can have the Woyome/Austro-Invest joint loot refunded is to change the Government that created, looted and shared the loot with them during the Presidential elections this year. A new Government will prosecute Woyome under Article 2(3) and (4) of the 1992 Constitution for High Crime should he delay any further in refunding the unconstitutional loot. The new Government will also enforce the Waterville judgment debt of over Euro 47million loot or prosecute it for High Crime.

This is the only way out for Ghanaians to stand up for their Constitutional rights and to retrieve the unconstitutional monies created, looted and shared by this Government with its political party supporters who are now unconstitutional judgment debtors to the Republic. As a loyal NDC member, I will support most of my political party’s parliamentary candidates who have shown honesty and integrity to the Constitution. But I cannot in good conscience and in defence of the Constitution support its Presidential candidate to continue leading the looting of the public purse.

Fellow patriotic citizens, I fought for two long years for justice for the Constitution and for all of us and the Supreme Court eventually vindicated the public’s interest by ordering the refund of the unconstitutional loot to the Republic of Ghana. Unfortunately, the Government as the leading looter has put obstacles in our way in enforcing the orders of the Court. Fellow citizens, help me in the name of the Constitution to retrieve your money that was looted by voting for a new President. Let us protect our Constitutional rights and not be hoodwinked by electioneering ploys. Let us get our GHC51, 283, 483. 59 back.

Defend the 1992 Constitution by voting for a new President on 7th December 2016 to get our money back. God bless Ghana and put Ghana First!

Martin A. B. K. Amidu


Source: Ghana/Starrfmonline.com/103.5FM

Nigeria militants ‘bomb’ oil pipelines in Niger Delta

A militant group in Nigeria says it has bombed three pipelines in the south of the country in the latest attack on the country’s crucial oil industry.

The claim by the Niger Delta Avengers has not been independently confirmed.

The NDA, the latest militant group to emerge in Nigeria, is demanding that a greater share of oil wealth be spent on ending poverty in local communities.

Attacks resumed earlier this year after funding for former militants was slashed.

Nigeria is one of Africa’s biggest oil exporters and it is the country’s main export earner.

Nigeria’s government and the Dutch-British oil company Shell, which operates the pipelines, have not yet commented on the alleged attack.

The NDA said it had blown up three trunk lines carrying 300,000 barrels of oil a day to Shell’s Bonny export terminal in southern Bayelsa state.

Destruction of oil installations by successive militant organisations have severely disrupted crude production.

But an amnesty programme for former militants led to a period of relative peace until earlier this year.

Talks to resolve the conflict have been taking place in recent months, resulting in a delicate ceasefire, but those talks stalled at the beginning of November.

Since then there has been a sharp increase in attacks.

IPP flagbearer declares support for Akufo-Addo

The flagbearer of the Independent People’s Party, Kofi Akpaloo has declared support for New Patriotic Party’s presidential candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for the December polls.

Mr. Akpaloo was among some presidential hopefuls who were disqualified by the electoral commission due to some errors on their nomination forms.

Speaking to the media in Accra Thursday, Mr. Akpaloo said Akufo-Addo has realistic policies as compared to the other candidates hence his decision to declare support for him.

“As a party, we believe that when it comes to job creation, we have fantastic ideas and also putting monies into people’s pocket, we believe we have an idea.

“So we decided to speak to the parties and one of the parties that we spoke to gave us the opportunity to help them implementing these ideas with them…that doesn’t mean that we are going to be part of that party, we are only helping the party win power in 2016…and that party that we have agreed to work with…is the New Patriotic Party.

Mr. Akpaloo is the second person to declare his support for Akufo-Addo after UPP’s Akwasi Addai Odike.

The NPP flagbearer is currently in the Eastern region campaigning ahead of the December 7 polls.


Source: Ghana/Starrfmonline.com/103.5FM/Kobina Welsing

Adele ‘attacked’ by bat on stage in Mexico

Adele and members of the audience were forced to run and ducked for cover after an arena in Mexico was invaded by a bat.

The singer warned one fan, saying: “It landed right by your head. Oh my God, it’s a bat.”

Adele was performing in Mexico City as part of her world tour, which began in Belfast in February.

After a few minutes flapping around, the bat and Adele, tings returned to business as usual.

It’s not the first time an animal has joined her on stage – and the tour has thrown up some other surprises too.

During a concert in Los Angeles in August, Adele invited a fan onto the stage.

The man had also brought his dog along to see the British singer.

During this round the world trip, it has often seemed that no Adele gig has been complete without a proposal mid-show.

Generally, the happy couple get applause from the audience and a few words from Adele herself.

But if you’re really lucky, like two people in Copenhagen, you get Adele to join in and help you out.

The Grammy award winning singer also picks people from the crowd to join her on stage for a selfie.

It’s not very often Adele is lost for words but back in October the singer was left stumped after a gesture from her boyfriend.

She’s been dating Simon Konecki for five years.

To celebrate the anniversary he replaced her end of show confetti with love messages to the star.

Adele, who before this tour spoke about her nerves when doing big venues, recently announced she’d be playing in Australia for the first time.

She’s also posted a video of her team taking part in the Mannequin Challenge.


Source: BBC

U-20 WWC: Ghana draw France 2-2

The Black Princess line-up

The Black Princess of Ghana on Thursday drew 2-2 with their France counterparts in their second Group C game at the ongoing U-20 Women’s World Cup in Papua New Guinea.

Coach Didi Dramani side came from a goal down to draw after France’s Delphine Cascarino opened scoring in the 30th minute to put her team in the lead.

Ghana’s Sandra Owusu however got the equalizer at the 45th minute before the end of the first half.

At the blast of the whistle for the second half, Jane Ayieyam gave Ghana her second goal in 65th minute.

With the game cruising to the end, the Black Princess were awarded a spot kick on the 82nd minute but was wasted by Samira Abdul Rahman.

Referee added five minutes of extra time which saw France’s substitute Clara Mateo pulled an excellent header to level the score.

Ghana is now placed third in the Group with just a point and will face the USA on Monday in the final group game.
The tournament which started on Nov. 13 is expected to end on Dec. 3.

Source:  Ghana/Starrfmonline.com/103.5FM/Tony Bebli