Vice president Mahamudu Bawumia Thursday paid a surprise visit to the Public Procurement Authority to familiarize himself with the outfit’s operations.
“If you look at corruption in the sector, I say probably 95% plus of it is from procurement, and so we are trying to give the public procurement authority as much as we can to execute its mandate. The Chief Executive has basically made it clear that he wants to chart a new course which is what we want to support,” Bawumia told the media when he met the CEO Adjenim Boateng Adjei.
He added: “For every procurement, there is going to be due diligence and value for money. This is new and a new team is going to be set up here to do this. We want to bring in a lot of transparency in the procurement process, but we want to bring in technology and so we are moving towards E-procurement.
“The Chief Executive has already said that starting in June, we are going to begin the process, which means that every procurement will have its identification number and you can track it from each stage to the end so it is going to be very transparent…There will not be any surprises.”
He said electronic procurement will soon be rolled out in Ghana’s Procurement process to ensure that maximum transparency is guaranteed in all public procurements.
The CEO Boateng Adjei promised to ensure value for money.
The visit was Bawumia’s third surprise visit to a key government agency since assuming office. He had already visited the Registrar General’s Department and the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority.