The Health Minister, Kwaku Agyemang Manu, has revealed that residents of Bukom and Jamestown are preventing contact tracers who attempt to take samples for Coronavirus.
Addressing the press Tuesday, Mr Agyemang Manu pleaded with residents to allow contact tracers into their houses and do their work so we can defeat the marauding virus that has already killed 18 people in Ghana and over 250, 000 people globally.
“People are preventing contact tracers from entering their homes to do their work. We hear residents in Jamestown and Bukom are sacking them, please allow the contact tracers to do their work,” Mr Agyemang Manu said.
The Health Minister also called Ghanaians to wear the face masks in a bid to stop the spread of the COVID-19. According to him, wearing the masks and adhering to all the safety measures will defeat the killer virus earlier so we return to our normal lives.
Ghana on Monday recorded its biggest jump in COVID-19 cases from 2,169 to 2,719 within two days.
This means 550 more cases have been recorded since Saturday when the last update was made. According to the Ghana Health Service, the Greater Accra region still leads with over 2000 cases.
Below is the regional breakdown
Greater Accra Region – 2,332, Ashanti Region – 124, Eastern Region – 94, Central Region – 38, Volta Region – 30, Oti Region – 23, Western Region – 21, Upper West Region – 19, Upper East Region – 19, Northern Region – 13.
Source: Ghana/