Superintendent Peter Lanchene Tuubo has left the police to join politics

The Member of Parliament for Wa West, Peter Lanchene Toobu has stated the impasse between the Member of Parliament for Madina, Francis Xavier Sosu and the Ghana Police Service would not have happened if both sides understood themselves from the onset.

Speaking to Starr FM Parliamentary Correspondent, Ibrahim Alhassan the Ex-Executive Secretary to the former Inspector General of Police (IGP), David Asante-Apeatu reiterated that the Police Administration and the MP have what it takes to handle the situation better than what Ghanaians are witnessing now.

“Collectively, we could have done it better, if the Police Officers at the scene decided to walk away and say honourable when the demonstration is over, come.  In Act 4, 9, 1 it is clearly stated that the Organizers would be surcharged for any damage caused during the demonstration,” he revealed.

The Police Administration has filed charges against Madina MP Francis Xavier Sosu over the protest which the Police say led to illegal road blockades and destruction of properties.

The MP, who has refused to respond to the Police invitation, is expected to appear in court on November 8, 2021.

“The Police still stands by its position on the matter and the MP is expected to appear in court on November 8 over the charges we have filed against him. We maintain that we have behaved in a manner consistent with democratic principles and in line with democracy such as ours,” Director of Public Affairs for the Police ACP Kwasi Ofori told Starr News Naa Dedei Tettey Wednesday.

However, the Former Superintendent of Police described the Madina situation as a misdemeanour from both sides adding that the Member of Parliament with over 100,000 people could not have run away from any action of his.

“On the 25th of October there was a meeting for Ranking Members and Deputy Ranking Members and honorable Sosu is a Deputy Ranking Member. But he has taken time to go and support his constituents to motivate them to exercise their constitutional right of demonstrating. After that he wanted to go to Parliament and that was the moment they (Police) wanted to arrest him.

“He said ‘I really don’t have a problem assisting the Police in anything but as I am speaking, I am late for a meeting in Parliament so please let me go and come and they (Police) say no.’ And obstructing a Member of Parliament in the process to exercise his right as an MP is contempt of the Parliament of Ghana,” he disclosed.


The Madina MP had complained on the floor of Parliament about how he was manhandled by the Police when he was about addressing his constituents who were demonstrating over bad roads in the area.

Meanwhile, the Police Service has denied reports that officers were dispatched to arrest the Madina MP Francis Xavier Sosu while he was at church on Sunday.

According to the Police, the plained-clothed officers who may have been seen at the MP’s church were there to gather intelligence and not to arrest him.

The Police further stated that the lawmaker has been invited to assist in investigations over an illegal road blockade during a protest over bad roads in the area last Tuesday.

Source: Ghana/