A former Director for Institute of Local Government Studies, Dr. Esther Ofei-Aboagye has praised the arrest of the failed MCE-nominee for Juaben over his claim that he bribed some assembly members to vote for him.

Speaking to Francis Abban on Starr FM Morning Starr, She said the assembly members who also accepted bribes from Alex Sarfo Kantanka also must be held accountable.

“I believe that this arrest is a necessary first step because over the years the practice has increased and frightening in its proportion because of that, the quality of the people and service they have to provide have been heavily compromised. Somebody can influence Assembly Members to be able to get to that position. It means that they know what they have pay for and it becomes cynical business,” she told Francis Abban

She continued that “And the quality that they provide the people does not matter because you can buy yourself into the position. So this first step of arresting somebody because of the way they entered into the process when everything indicates that this should be a free process where people exercise franchise. The Assembly Members must work with their consciences and give their very best to work.”


The disappointed nominee who could not control his emotions at the loss accosted an assembly member to return the bribe he took earlier before the confirmation.

According to Francis Yeboah Adumasah, an assembly member who doubles as the welfare committee chairman of the assembly, ”as a welfare chairman, it is my responsibility to get the assembly members who came for the assembly meeting their transportation, while going for the transport money from the finance officer the nominee attacked me to refund the money he gave me and so I informed the Ashanti regional minister Simon Osei-Mensah and his police bodyguard”.

“In our earlier meeting in which the nominee failed to secure the two-thirds majority of the total votes Yes, he gave money but not today’s election. The money he gave me I used for the work he assigned me to do so what’s his problem’?’ he questioned.

He described the rejected nominee as a ‘bitter loser’ explaining “you can’t win assembly elections without paying for electorate transportation.”

Member of Parliament for the Atwima-Nwabiagya South Constituency Emmanuel Adjei Anhwere, who was in the Juaben to monitor the election was also attacked by the disappointed nominee’s supporters.

However, the timely intervention of the police restored calm to the area.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM