There are some people who try to be an expert in multiple subjects at once and end up mastering none. While there is nothing wrong with this, it limits one’s ability to gain true refined expertise in a specific field. Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky is a facial plastic surgeon who has achieved renown in his area of knowledge, and here, he wants to share what helped him attain such a high level of success.

Dr. Zhuravsky begins by explaining the Dunning Kruger effect, which tells us that as we learn about a certain field of knowledge our confidence of how well we know that field is falsely elevated relatively early in the process. However, as we continue to learn more, we begin to see just how much more knowledge there is to gain, and that confidence level drops dramatically, despite the fact that we actually know more than before. “We begin to see all the gaps in knowledge, the nuances that we have yet to understand, and the uncertainties that still exist. This is why true experts are humble, respect their boundaries, and always strive to learn more” says Dr. Zhuravsky.

Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky’s journey began with a general passion for medicine and a particular interest in surgery. As he explored the various surgical subspecialties, he focused in on plastic surgery. His fascination with the highly complex anatomy of the face and neck, as well as his abilities for fine meticulous craftsmanship drew his focus even further down to facial plastic surgery. Dr. Zhuravsky recalls, “The more I learned about the specialty the more I realized that I had yet to learn, and it just made me want to dive deeper into it.”

His sub specialization and decision making to focus further did not stop there. The way to Facial Plastic Surgery is through Otolaryngology, a field that focuses on the surgical and non-surgical treatment of a vast number of head and neck conditions, and one that he greatly enjoyed as well. After graduating residency and becoming board certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky continued to see general otolaryngology patients on a part time basis for a few years. He found that although it provided him with a wealth of gratification and financial gain, it also took time away from his efforts in facial plastic surgery. “It was both difficult and satisfying at the same time. I knew I would miss applying all the other skills and knowledge that I had gained through the years, but it was undoubtedly the right choice for me as I am now able to dedicate 100% of my time and effort to facial plastic surgery” explains Dr. Zhuravsky.

Today, Dr. Zhuravsky is a highly sought – after facial plastic surgeon with patients from all over the globe. He works Monday through Saturday immersed solely in facial plastic surgery. His continued medical education also consists of facial plastic surgery journals, articles, and conferences. When asked if it ever gets repetitive or boring, Dr. Ruslan Zhuravky replies “Not a chance, there is always more to learn and there are always ways to improve. Each case is its own unique puzzle. If you find that you are getting bored in a complex field like facial plastic surgery, chances are you’re missing the opportunity to improve”.

“Not every field requires a lifelong 100% dedication and extreme focus. In some cases, it may even be a disadvantage. However, I do believe that if you are passionate about something, and really want to excel in that field, you have to go all in.”