Cecilia Abena Dapaah

Lawyers for former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah are demanding retraction and apology from the Multimedia Group over what they describe as false reportage about sums allegedly found in their client’s bank account.

The letter by the lawyers of madam Dapaah narrated events carried out by the Officer of the Special Prosecutor on their client and with the conviction that the report from the media outlet does not add up.

According to the lawyers, the reportage on their client’s case has been steeped in purported reliance on information from unidentified sources.

The lawyers further described the reports as “reckless disregard for truth and accuracy”

“We are by this letter demanding that your outfit retracts the false information it has published and apologizes to our client within three (3) days from the delivery of this letter (using the same means and coverage with which it published the false information), failing which we have our client’s firm instructions to institute legal action and bring the full force of the law to bear on your outfit for the damage and injury your reportage has caused and keeps causing,” the lawyers stated.

Attached is the full letter to Multimedia Group

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh/103.5FM