The Makola Shop Mall in Accra gutted with fire on Saturday destroying over 200.

The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) said they got to the scene 23:26 but had challenges accessing the fire.

According to them, the place was locked up so they were able to bring the fire under control at 04:00 hours.

“Less than two minutes they were here, 23:26 they were here, and they realized that the fire was beyond the ordinary, that is it has really gotten to a fully developed stage so immediately. So the officer in charge called for multiple pumps.

“So in all we used nine firefighting appliers including one RTC pick-up, you know the place is locked with a padlock so we needed equipment that we could cut the padlock and access the fire. So we were able to bring the fire under control in 04:00 hours,”Dep. Director of Operations of GNFS, DO1 Kofi Forson narrated to Starr News.

However, they are yet to investigate and know what might have caused the fire.

But, during a visit to the market, Mayor of Accra Elizabeth Sackey advised shop owners to take fire education seriously to avert future occurrence.

Source: Ghana/