The Communication Director for Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Dennis Miracles Aboagye says Ghanaians would have been buying a dollar at GHc25 if the National Democratic Congress (NDC) was in office now.

This comes on the back of the consistent rise of the cedi to dollar rates which currently stands at above GHc14 for the US dollar.

Several financial analysts have projected that the Ghanaian will hit between GHc16 to GHc18 to the dollar.

Banking Consultant, Dr. Richmond Atuahene speaking on GHOne TV stated that though Bloomberg and others are predicting that the cedi to get GHC16 by the end of the year to the dollar he thinks it will go higher.

According to him, the Ghanaians should prepare to trade GHc18 for the US dollar.

However, speaking on Starr Chat with Bola Ray, Dr. Bawumia’s Campaign Communication Director stated that the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has done well with the handling of the cedi to dollar rate considering the challenges it has been bedeviled with.

“I am very sure that if in August 2014 the dollar was going that fast, If the same managers were here we would be buying the dollar at GHc25. Can you tell me what was happening in 2014 for the Cedi to move from 1.2 to 3.9 Cedi to the dollar?

“When you are running an organization you run it with conditions, the condition will determine where you are moving your organization to. In Ghana today the challenges we suffer in the global economy, if these managers were the ones in charge between 2020 and now we would be buying dollars at GHc25 or Ghc30. Because in 2014 we had no reason to have the dollar where it was,” Mr. Aboagye stated.

He continued: “I can tell you what COVID-19 has done to us, I can tell you what the Ukraine-Russia war has done to us. I can tell you what the challenges in Asia have done to us. Can you tell me what was happening in 2014? Mention, just tell me one.”

Source: Ghana/