Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has charged the newly inaugurated 15-member Local Government Governing Council to assist the Service to up their game in the execution of their legal mandate.
Addressing the Council members after administering the oath of office and secrecy to them, Dr. Bawumia said local governance is at the heart of president Akufo-Addo’s programmes and plans for the country.
To that end, the Council ought to ensure that the Local Government Service is carrying out its mandate in order for government’s plans throughout the country to succeed, he urged.
The Chairman for the Council, Rex Owusu Ansah, in his response to the charge of the Vice President pledged that he and his colleagues will leave up to the expectations and goals set out for them by the law that instituted the Council.
The membership of the council are Mr. Owusu Ansah, chairman, Head of Local Government Service, Dr. Stephen Arthur and President’s Nominees Dr. Esther Ofei-Aboagye and Review, Mrs. Sanatu Nantogma, Civil Service Organization Nominee, Saaka Sayuti, Ministry of Local Government Rep, Dorothy Akosua Onny.
The rest are the Director General NDPC Isaac Asiamah, Ministry of Education Rep. Isaac Nyarko Biney, Ministry of Health Rep. John K. Awoonor -Williams, Irene Naa Ritchie Addo, Administrator of the District Assembly Common Fund. The National Association of Local Government Authorities of Ghana is about represented by Felix M. Nii Anang-La.
The others are the representative of the Local Government Workers, Abdul Haleem Ampadu, and Dr. Season Awunyo-Vitor, Director of the Institute of Local Government Studies and Replaced of the National House of Chiefs, Nana Soglo Allah IV.
The Local Government Service
The Local Government Service is a public Service institution established by the Local Government Service Act, 2003 (Act 656) which has been repealed and replaced with the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936). The Service exists ‘’to secure effective administration and management of the decentralised local government system in the country’’.
The vision of the Service is to be a World Class Decentralised and Client Oriented Service. Their mission is to Support Local Government to deliver value for money services through the mobilization, harmonization and utilization of quality human capacity and material resources to promote local and national development.
Source: Ghana/ Asare