A 12-year-old Class three (3) pupil is fighting for her life at the Eastern Regional Hospital in Koforidua after she was allegedly defiled by a 24-year-old man at a farming community near Klo Agogo in the Yilo Krobo District.

The victim has not been discharged a week after she was admitted at the Hospital.

She reportedly bled from the vagina after the dastardly act and later through the nose while on admission.

The doctor in charge of the patient had not endorsed the Medical forms issued by the Police as at Monday December 10,2018 because the family of the victim are unable to raise a GHC100 endorsement fee for the doctor, they told Starr News’ Kojo Ansah.

As a result, the Domestic Violence and Victims support Unit (DOVVSU) is yet to initiate steps to arrest the suspect who has gone into hiding from the village after the act.

Grandfather of the Victim, William, told Starr News while in the house they noticed that for three days the victim was struggling to walk and so they became curious about what had happened to her. After a brief questioning, she narrated her ordeal in the hands of the suspect who had visited his brother from another village in the area. She told the family she was defiled while watching television in the suspect’s brother room.

He said when the suspect was confronted he admitted the offence but his brother pleaded with them to resolve the matter amicably with the promise to foot all medical expenses of the victim but shortly after the case was reported at the Obawale Police station, the suspect varnished from the community in connivance with the brother .


Source: Ghana/Starrfmonline.com/Kojo Ansah