The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMA) is expected to deploy software applications to help Ghanaians access information on weather forecasts.

Frustration among Ghanaians continues to heighten anytime the rains set in.

The bane of the public has been the perennial flooding that besets Ghanaians regularly.

Several vehicles with very low clearance had to park for the floods to subside, while others who braved through had their vehicles break down.

Many suggested the situation could have been dire had it rained for very long hours.

Recent construction works and human activities, including the erection of buildings in spaces that previously accommodated runoff water, are at the base of the flooding.

Some motorists and their passengers complained of staying in gridlocks between two and five hours before making their way out of the situation.

While many have attributed the phenomenon to poor drainage systems, there are some who blame the Ghana Meteorological Agency for poor access to information regarding weather predictions.

A section of the Public expressed their concern regarding reports of weather forecasts.

However, speaking to Starr News Head of Central Analysis and Forecast at the Ghana Meteorological Agency Felicity Ahafianyo reveals that Ghanaians should expect more rain on the weekend.

“Rains will be more this weekend or earlier part of next week.”

Source: Ghana/ Sackey