The Ashanti Regional Capital Kumasi is counting down to a frantically awaited mammoth sweep of evangelism and revival as the Deeper Christian Life Ministries prepares to hold the acclaimed Global Crusade with Kumuyi (GCK) from the 25th to the 30th of July 2024 in the garden city.

The flickers of GCK began to ignite into a global flame when its convener Pastor Dr. William F. Kumuyi began a broadcast on social media in the year 2021 when countries across the world were yearning for hope in the midst of lockdowns, a global economic recession, and huge losses of lives occasioned by the COVID 19 pandemic.

The crusade which has enjoyed a huge global following culminated into a physical crusade bearing the torch of the gospel of salvation; healing, miracles, redemption, and deliverance to several states and countries.

With same fervor, the crusade which comes off in the Ashanti Region under the theme ““Full salvation and total healing through Christ”, has galvanized denominations and recognized Christian fellowships and groupings all working frantically towards its successful roll out.

Addressing a media launch the 9th chairman of the Christ Apostolic Church Ghana, Apostle Samuel Amponsah Frimpong described the crusade as a timely intervention especially at a time many nations of the world including Ghana, are holding major elections to choose their leaders.

He observed, “The year 2024 has been described as a year of ultimate elections. Globally it’s been reported that at least 65 countries are holding elections constituting almost half of the world’s population.

“As Ghana prepares for its general elections, we are praying for the peace of God. We anticipate the upcoming crusade with hope and expectation of divine visitation that our Lord Jesus Christ who alone possesses true and authentic peace will bring his peace to our nation and make the kingdoms of this world, HIS kingdom.”

Apostle Samuel Amponsah Frimpong further challenged the churches to take full advantage of GCK, to reset their focus on the propagation of the gospel to the lost, without which he argued no church would be worth its existence.

“As E.S. Lewin said ‘The church exists for nothing else than to draw men unto Christ. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, the clergy, missions and even the Bible itself are simply a waste of time”, he emphasized.

Deeper Life Bible Call

National Overseer for the Deeper Life Bible Church Pastor Edward K. Duodu recounted the hopelessness and despair that has engulfed the world, reiterating the need for such global missions to rekindle hope.

He explained, “The state of the world today with wars and relentless quest for supremacy alongside the moral decay affecting all the people of the world, especially our youth, calls for a profound spiritual awakening. We need a major revival to sweep across this generation and shake the very foundations of this world so that Gods name may be exalted once again.”

Pastor Edward K. Duodu was thankful the Global Crusade with Kumuyi which follows in the stead of the global evangelistic moves of Billy Graham, Reinhard Bonnke and TL Osborn has become a powerful vehicle for realizing the vision of spreading the gospel of salvation, making use of technology, and modern communication channels to reach millions across the globe from an anchor location.

Challenging the Christian community in the Ashanti Region to come on board, he encouraged, “In these times of global turmoil and moral decline, it is imperative that we set aside our denominational differences and unite in our mission to save souls and populate the kingdom of God.”

Guest Speaker and Executive Director of the Salt and Light Ministries Dr. Joyce Aryea commended the convener for championing the nondenominational global crusade with a message of hope and redemption that has united the body of Christ in the mission of evangelism.

She was positive the country and all who will be connecting from the various online platforms will experience the move of God in soul winning, healings, miracles and wonders that has followed the global outreaches of Pastor Dr. W.F. Kumuyi.

Mayor of Kumasi Samuel Pyne who graced the launch likened the crusade to the church’s religious social responsibility detailing how the hospitality industry and the trading community stood to benefit good patronage as thousands gather to worship.

He gave assurances of adequate security and collaboration with the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly to see to the success of the Crusade.

Other Events:

Alongside the crusade, there will be the Ministers Professionals and Church Workers Conference to be held in the mornings at the Great Hall of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), on the 26th, 29th and 30th of July.

The conference which will be held on the theme ‘Renewal for latter day revival will address pertinent issues and challenges in ministry and the professional world with the aim of equipping Christians to be resolute in conquering the world for Christ.

On the 27th of July, the Baba Yara Sports Stadium will be lit with an Impact Academy targeting youth and young adults; students in second cycle and tertiary institutions; national service personnel and young professionals.

Hanging under the banner theme, “Arise ready to change the world”; the event will feature prominent topics on academics and professional success with a Key note delivery on pursuing and achieving excellence in life.

A global question and answer session will be crowned with the convener’s sermon which anticipates a move of God to save many from drug addiction, occultism and other afflictions bedeviling today’s youth.

GCK Health Outreach

From the 20th to the 24th of July, an international team of doctors drawn from the United States of America (USA); the United Kingdom (UK); Nigeria and Ghana will be embarking on a series of medical outreaches targeting different kinds of patients in different locations.

It will commence on the 20th of July with a special soccer tournament at the Brofoyedu Community Park in the Atwima Kwanwoma District and the Asokwa Municipality.

On Sunday the 21st the team will hold a maternal and child health outreach for pregnant women six months and above and nursing mothers whose babies are aged between a day old to six months; at the Prempeh Assembly Hall at 2:00 PM.

On the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of July, the team is open for general medical services at the Prempeh Assembly Hall, the Brofoyedu community – close to the Alpha university and the Heroes Park respectively.

The team has served notice; it will be preparing patients who might need surgeries for an all-expense paid surgical procedures to bring relief.

A team of medical staff will extend this outreach to the Kumasi Central Prisons and the Manhyia Prisons where full medical attention will be offered to inmates.

The GCK Team will further embark on a tree planting exercise and provide a mechanized bore hole to the Brofoyedu Community to ensure that the community has access to potable water within a sustainable environment.

Source: Ghana/ Heathcote – Fumador