HR Today: Motivating people starts with right attitude

Most leaders know what strong motivation looks like. When I ask leadership development clients to describe the type of motivation they’d like to see in their teams, they mention qualities such as persistence, being...

Nat’l Service allowance increased from GHC350 to GHC559

The National Service Secretariat has announced an increase in the monthly allowance for personnel from the current GHC350.00 to GHC 559.04 beginning April, 2017.The upward adjustment to the allowance which was approved by the...

NDC brouhaha: Show your Faces – Cowards! – Valerie writes

Since the morning of March 27th, I have received lots of telephone calls and messages, mostly asking ‘what is going on’. Indeed, within twenty-three hours, I have counted at least 1,032 messages and calls,...

Podcast: Skin Bleaching in Ghana

In June last year, Ghana took a bold decision to ban skin products containing over 2 percent of Hydroquinone - the active ingredient for skin bleaching or skin lightening.This ingredient is also identified as...

Kafui Dey appointed Accra Psychiatric Hospital ambassador

The neglect of mental health and related issues has made it difficult to get data on mental health, including suicide, the Director of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, Dr Pinaman Appau, has indicated. She said the...

Duffuor was a competent Finance Minister – Cadman Mills

Dr. Cadman Atta Mills, brother to late President John Evans Atta Mills, has extolled the founder of Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network , Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, describing him as “…a competent Finance Minister.”According to...

American Airlines pilot dies on Dallas flight

A pilot died on Wednesday during a flight from Dallas to Albuquerque, New Mexico, American Airlines have confirmed. The Boeing 737-800 was two miles from landing when the captain declared a medical emergency, an Albuquerque...

PODCAST: Starr Chat with Dr Cadman Mills

Download and listen to all you missed on the Starr Chat with Bola Ray and Dr Cadman Mills.

Govt interference in BoG “unhealthy” – IFS

The Executive Director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), Prof. Newman Kusi, has called for an immediate end to political interference in the running of the Central Bank.“Changing of governors of the Central...

Ivanka Trump to be assistant to US president

Ivanka Trump is officially joining her father's administration as an unpaid employee with the title Assistant to the President, the White House says. The US first daughter bowed to pressure following an outcry from ethics...