Video: Do Ghanaians hate taxes?         

Do Ghanaians hate taxes or are they truly burdened with taxes?

Well, in the following report, GHOne News Obed King Gaglo takes us down memory lane on the raft of taxes and the reactions of Ghanaians.

Source: Ghana/

Ghanaian TV Host found dead in his room

A Ghanaian TV host Michael Osei, also known as Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang, was discovered deceased in his room at Takoradi, where he served as the morning show host on New Day TV.

Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang was slated to commence work early on Monday, February 4, 2024, as per his regular schedule, but failed to appear.

Concerns arose when numerous attempts to reach him via phone went unanswered.

Upon investigation, it was observed that his residence’s gates were secured, yet his phone continued to ring. With the assistance of other tenants, his room was broken into , only to find him unresponsive on his bed.

Despite efforts to rush him to the hospital, he was declared dead upon arrival.

Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang,about 35-years, was a fourth-year Public Relations student at Islamic University.

He was known for his extensive experience in the media industry, having previously worked with various local media outlets in Koforidua, including Starr TV.

Expressing profound sorrow, Kwaku Nkansah Obrempon, a close friend of Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang, lamented, “With a heavy heart, I announce to you the sudden demise of our brother and friend, Michael Osei (Nanasei). His lifeless body was found in his room on Monday, 05-02-2024, at his residence in Takoradi. I urge all affected persons to remember the family in prayers as we mourn him.”

Nana Yaw Osei Tenkorang leaves behind a wife and two children, residing in Akyem Tafo, Eastern Region.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah

Tattooed Kenyans locked out of youth agency recruitment

Some Kenyan youths have been locked out of the ongoing recruitment into the state youth agency for inscribing tattoos on their bodies.

Even though they met academic qualifications and also passed the physical fitness test to join the National Youth Service (NYS), they were found ineligible because of the body art.

Some of the disqualified youths questioned the decision to lock them out of the exercise simply because of their art and urged the authorities to reconsider the move.

Authorities did not immediately give reasons for the move but they promised to issue a statement at the end of the exercise, local media reported.

The NYS recruitment, which is taking place countrywide, began on Monday, and is seeking to net at least 15,000 recruits.

Source: BBC

Vodafone Ghana Rebrands to Telecel on Feb. 28

Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited, (GTCL) will be changing its trading name from Vodafone Ghana to Telecel Ghana, effective February 28, 2024.

This change follows the approval of the takeover of Vodafone Ghana by Telecel by the National Communication Authority (NCA). Telecel assumed a majority shareholder status, with the Government of Ghana  through the State Interests and Governance Authority as a minority shareholder with 30%.

Vodafone Ghana has been operating under the Telecel brand for about a year or more and controls about 18 percent of the mobile telephony market share.

In a communication to customers, the Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Ghana, Patricia Obo-Nai, emphasized that the registered name of the company, Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited, GTCL, in which its licenses and regulatory approvals are held, will not change.

Vodafone Ghana expresses excitement about this transition and looks forward to continuing the journey of business continuity, great network connectivity, and enhanced service quality with its customer base.

Source: Ghana/

MPs are community ATMs for their constituents – Joe Wise

The first deputy speaker in Parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu says Members of Parliament (MPs) take care of almost all challenges in their communities.  

This follows how 28 Members of Parliament lost the just ended parliamentary primaries of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) to Chief Executives of state institutions among others.

Out of 28 sitting MPs that lost 10 of them are first timers and 18 are more than one term in the House.

Speaking to EIB Network Parliamentary correspondent, Ibrahim Alhassan, the Bekwei lawmaker stated that it is the hope that MPs who have lost parliamentary primaries will respond to the whip and be frequent in Parliament.

“For sitting MPs they are disadvantaged because as soon as you become an MP you will pay till the next election period. Whereas for the other person who is coming he may have saved and deepened his pocket all the more.  If you are sitting MP you are disadvantaged

“Parliament is a poor place. You spend all the money, you are community ATM, you are the financier for all party activity. You are the social burden, you carry all the social burdens of the community so you can’t save anything,” Mr. Owusu narrated.

He continued: “Your emoluments is for the whole community so you are distressed from the beginning till the time of the primaries. Many of my colleagues who lost actually took loans to contest and they’ve lost.  Some mortgage their properties. It is common knowledge that within one year when they leave Parliament they can’t pay hospital bills. That is why Parliament has made it a condition to support former Members of Parliament.” 

Source: Ghana/

Deep pockets win parliamentary primaries – Joe Wise

The first deputy speaker in Parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu says parliamentary primaries are won by persons with huge sums of cash.

This comes on the back of 19 New Patriotic Party (NPP) Members of Parliament who have decided not to return to Parliament and 28 others have lost the just ended primaries.

Out of 28 sitting MPs that lost 10 of them are first timers and 18 are more than one term in the House.

Speaking to EIB Network Parliamentary correspondent, Ibrahim Alhassan, the Bekwei lawmaker stated that sitting Members of Parliament are always disadvantaged going into parliamentary primaries. .

“It’s a pity that how deep your pocket is a lot more influential these days. Otherwise the situation would have been how it is all year round. People from the government feed, people from CEOs all want to be in Parliament and they are all competent. I competed in 2008 from DVLA Chief Executive, it is not new.

“Everybody who has political interest gauges his strength at what time he thinks he can get in. But really what matters is how much appeal you bring. Except it is influenced by how deep your pocket is and other factors,” Mr. Owusu stated.

He continued: “For sitting MPs they are disadvantaged because as soon as you become an MP you will pay till the next election period. Whereas for the other person who is coming he may have saved and deepened his pocket all the more.  If you are sitting MP you are disadvantaged.”

Source: Ghana/

Security officers shut down Salt FM in Agogo

Asante Akim Agogo based local radio station Salt 95.9 FM operating the Ashanti region has been shut down by the security agencies in the district.

The reason behind the closure of the Twi broadcasting radio station is immediately unknown.

GHOne News source in the farming Community indicates that security officers on Tuesday 6th February 2024 stormed the station and disconnected their equipment without any reason.

The owner of the station, Ohene Kwame Frimpong is said to have planned a health walk in Agogo last Sunday, February 4, 2024.

But the health walk was also stopped by the security agencies at the 11th hour citing the Public Order Act.

Other reason given was he had not notified the police about the public gathering.

On Tuesday afternoon, many people in Agogo gathered at the frontage of the radio station to inquire about what was happening.

Some youth wearing red armbands danced to brass band music at the frontage of the radio station.

Source: Ghana/ Bediako

Odikro backs roll call for MPs in Parliament

Parliamentary Monitoring Group Odikro has stated that the new Standing Orders for a roll call for the Members of Parliament is welcome news. 

Some of the new changes in the new standing orders are the creation of Economic Planning Committees from the finance committee.

Members of Parliament will henceforth have their roll call taken by the speaker each morning before sitting commences. This is according to the new standing orders approved by the house last year.

The MPs are also required to recite the National Pledge at the beginning of every sitting week.

Speaking on Starr Today with Joshua Kodjo Mensah, the Principal Lead at Odikro, Nehemiah Attigah the move will reduce the level of truancy in the House. 

“We believe that this will encourage Members of Parliament to present when there are sittings. It is a very welcome development for us because as Members of Parliament you cannot represent your people if you are not sitting. And participating in one way or the other or even work at the Committees to ensure that you are representing your people and bringing your influence to bare.

“There are ways to say I am absenting myself from this Committee or being in the preliminary because I have to be here. Parliament is the house of rules and each rule is there for them to adhere to. Unfortunately, they try to use excuse like I am working in the Committee or I have to be here,” Mr. Attigah stated.  

What drives a personal brand? The intricacies of perception and reality

Before reading this article, take a second to ask yourself, who am I and how do I want to be known? Notwithstanding, whether known or unknown, natural or self-made, positive or negative, every human has certain elements or characteristics that define his or her personality and how he or she is perceived. These elements, by extension, form part of the attributes that constitute the person’s identity (personal brand, as the case may be). Indeed, knowing yourself is as crucial as creating a personal brand that will guide and help shape one’s conduct, behavior, and life as a whole.

Accordingly, the process of identifying and advancing your personal values can be referred to as personal branding. It is the result of combining the qualities, abilities, and experiences that set you apart. Your brand is a reflection of your values, identity, and desired public perception.

In a conference paper titled “Personal branding: A review on a contemporary phenomenon”, Stefan Scheidt et al argue that “personal branding has become a vital part of society, culture, and economy”. Indeed, it is a crucial part of positioning yourself both in the minds of people as well as in the realm of reality.

Also, creating a personal brand is an essential aspect of establishing your identity and presence in both personal and professional spheres.

A personal brand is driven by a combination of perception and reality, both of which are influenced by various factors. An effective personal brand requires a synergy between perception and reality to close any possible gap(s) and create positive moments of truth at a given time. The following literature makes an effort to explain how fact/reality and perception interact to form a person’s unique brand:

Perception and personal brand building

Perception refers to how others view and perceive an individual’s image, values, and expertise. It is shaped by interactions, communication, public appearances, among others. Some key factors that influence perception are:

Perceived expertise, Competence, and skills: Being able to demonstrate knowledge, abilities, and expertise in a certain sector is referred to as perceived expertise. It raises a person’s stature and legitimacy in the field. Thought leadership, writings, and recommendations from reliable sources are all effective ways to shape this perception. Although it is not far-fetched, it requires constant effort and perseverance at all times.

Consistently Visible: Being visible in the right circles, whether through networking gatherings, social media engagements, or leveraging public speaking opportunities makes it more likely that people will learn about a person’s personal brand. Similarly, a person’s brand is shaped in part by the consistency of their appearance and conduct. Reliability and trust are developed via consistent and generally acceptable behavior.

Emotional intelligence and emotional connection: Creating a strong emotional bond with a crowd and demonstrating emotional intelligence via shared values and genuineness both contribute to a favorable impression of a personal brand. People who they believe to be sincere and relatable tend to resonate more strongly with others.

Managing personal reputation: This is the process of influencing stakeholder views and public discussions, especially about you. In addition to reacting to reputational concerns and proactively leveraging opportunities, managing reputation entails keeping an eye on conversations and perceptions. Therefore, creating an effective personal brand is as crucial as jealously managing and protecting your reputation since it can easily make or unmake you.  

The Realm of Reality and Personal Brand Building

The real traits, deeds, and attributes of a person that serve as the cornerstone of their personal brand are referred to as reality. It’s the expression of who you really are and shows your true self in what can be called “moments of truth.” Therefore, although first impressions are shaped by perception, the core of a person’s personal brand is grounded in fact, reality, or real nature. Here are a few essential components of reality that contribute to personal brand development:

Integrity and ethics: Acting with integrity and adhering to ethical standards are fundamental to building a reputable personal brand. This can also be related to reputational management. Trust is easily eroded by unethical behavior or inconsistencies between actions and stated values. At every level and channel of social interactions, one’s constructs and communication may reflect his or her ethical standards and integrity. Likewise, the actual skills, knowledge, and expertise possessed by an individual play a significant role in shaping their personal brand. Continuously honing skills, maintaining high integrity & ethical standards, and staying updated in one’s field contribute to long-term success.

Authenticity and Consistency with Values: Authenticity is a core component of personal branding. It involves aligning one’s actions, values, and behaviors with their personal brand identity. Accordingly, authenticity can positively influence sentiments, or otherwise, toward branded individuals and constitutes a critical component of a personal brand. It helps build trust and credibility with one’s audience. Besides, personal values serve as guiding principles that influence or inform decisions and actions, as a result, consistency between stated values and behaviors reinforces authenticity and credibility. Therefore, to build an effective personal brand, one needs to be credible, genuine, and authentic.

Feedback and continual improvement: Building a personal brand is certainly not an event but a process. This requires intermittently seeking feedback from peers, mentors, and audiences to help identify areas for continual improvement. Intermittent self-introspection and adaptation are essential for maintaining personal brand relevance and resonance.

In summary, there’s no doubt that perception and reality interact to shape a person’s personal brand, making them a crucial part of personal brand building. Although perception shapes first impressions and public perceptions, a personal brand’s core principles are competence, honesty, authenticity, and integrity. A powerful and enduring personal brand is ultimately a result of balancing perception with reality, which entails matching true traits, behaviors, and activities with how the outside world perceives a person.

Therefore, to build a successful personal brand, one must work towards aligning his or her real traits, deeds, values, and attributes, among others, with how others view or perceive him or her. While the alignment may not necessarily be 100% at all times, failure to ensure a balance, between how your audience perceives you and who you really are, MAY lead to an identity crisis or personal brand failure.

Mohammed Ali is a Banker and Brand Advocate

Bepong violence: Eastern regional Minister rejects call for police to be withdrawn

Eastern Regional Minister Seth Kwame Acheampong on Tuesday February 5,2024 visited the troubled community of Kwahu Bepong to assess the situation and ensure the restoration of law and order following the recent violence.

Beginning his visit at the chief’s palace, which was among the targets of the attacks, Nana Nyarko Bawuah II, the chief of Kwahu Bepong, commended the Ghana Police Service’s professionalism in swiftly preventing lynching of the suspect by disguising him.

The Chief said, his palace came under violent attack by the mob but for the intervention of the police he and other occupants would have been attacked.

Continuing his assessment, the Regional Minister met with police personnel deployed from Accra to reinforce security measures in the community.

Addressing the security personnel, Hon. Seth Kwame Acheampong reaffirmed the importance of maintaining their presence to restore and maintain peace amidst the ongoing tensions.

Contrary to suggestions made for the withdrawal of police personnel as a means to de-escalate tensions, the Regional Minister, who also serves as the chairman of Regional Security Council ( REGSEC) , rejected such proposals.

He emphasized the necessity of police presence to ensure the safety and security of the community and deter further violence.

“We need the men on ground to help sanitize whatever went on in the community. It is not by one person’s idea it is a municipal security Council that sat and took steps besides that they are professionals who are managing the crime situation for us”.

The Minister visited the victims at the Atibie Government Hospital ,and families of the victims to sympathize with them.

Meanwhile, schools that were shut down in the Bepong community will resume on Wednesday.

The violence erupted following the alleged rape and murder of a 45-year-old woman, Akua Kyerewaa, by a 23-year-old ex-convict, Kwasi Tenkorang.

Kwasi Antwi, the victim’s brother, was killed while attempting to rescue his sister during the attack.

The community, outraged by the incident, demanded justice, with the chief offering a reward for the capture of the alleged killer.

The arrest of Kwasi Tenkorang in Kwasi Fori led to a clash between the police and a mob who attempted to lynch the suspect, resulting in injuries to five officers and the unintentional death of a woman, along with injuries to three others.

The volatile situation saw residents targeting police assets, damaging six motorcycles ,a vehicle and the chief’s palace in the chaos.

The Ghana Police Service has since apprehended over 70 individuals linked to the assault on police officers and property destruction as they work to restore calm in the community.

As tensions remain high, efforts are underway to bring about dialogue, peace, and justice in Kwahu Bepong.

Source: Ghana/ Ansah