Quaku Praise, a student of Preventive Basic School in Aflao has emerged the winner of the 2017 Godigbeza quiz competition organized by VFL-GHANA in collaboration with the Aflao Traditional Council, and supported by Gallery GM.
The quiz competition is one of the activities lined-up towards this year’s Godigbeza Festival celebrated by the people of Aflao.
Quaku Praise by his performance has also won for himself an opportunity to travel to Sao Tome with the former Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie. His travel expenses will be borne by Gallery GM an NGO set up by internationally acclaimed artist, Sarah Gusten-Marr. Gallery GM has been collaborating with VFL-Ghana to run some of its activities. The two NGO’s together promote the “Culture Crossings” project which is interested in giving young artists support and exposure.
Praise was one of eleven candidates that emerged from the 52 candidates who contested for the first round in an essay competition held at the Preventive and Border Schools to take part in the grand finale, thus the quiz competition. Foster Bansah, a student of Wudoaba M/A Basic School came second whiles Martey Selasi, a student of Border Basic School came third.
For their prizes, each was given a branded VFL Ghana bag containing; an android kiddy tablet, 10 exercise books, an Ewe – English Dictionary, Epistles to my Bubune (collections of letters), The Bloody Ingrate (story book), Nsempiisms (A collection of poetry, storytelling and satire), Love brewed in the African Pot (Africa’s sensational film hit – Now a comic strip), This is Ghana (Tourism book), a food flask, a cutlery set, a portable radio set and a watch. In addition, the three will embark on a sightseeing and an educational trip to Accra.
As a sign of motivation the other contestants, the 4th to the 11th positions were also presented with 10 exercise books, portable radio set and cowbell product. They would also be going on one day trip to see UHAS, Ho Polytechnic, Adaklu Mountain and 66 Artillery Regiment in Ho. The rest of the participants were also not left out as they received exercise books and cowbell products.
In her closing remarks, VFL-GHANA CEO, Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie thanked the Chiefs and Queens in Aflao Traditional area for their immense support. She advised all participants not to look at their inability to be in the finals as the end of the world but prepare more for the next competition and also to see this as an opportunity to work hard for greater things academically. She councelled the students that they are blessed to be the ones in their family to be in school so they should not take that opportunity for granted because their parents are giving them what they did not have. She reminded them that they need to show appreciation to their parents by taking their studies seriously and come out with flying colors.
Values For Life, (VFL-GHANA) a non-governmental organization continues to champion the development of children through the provision of various social systems and interventions to empower and improve lives of children, youth and women in society through the Arts, Culture, Tourism and Digital Innovations; and this quiz competition is one of its activities.
By Dominic Shirimori/Francis Vorsah/Ghanadistricts.com