The Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization, and Rural Development has launched Ghana’s first Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for all 261 Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies.

This groundbreaking initiative aims to provide crucial data to guide effective, evidence-based policies and interventions, addressing poverty from multiple dimensions beyond income levels.

The Deputy Minister of Local Governance & Rural Development and Member of Parliament for Old Tafo Constituency, Hon Vincent Ekow Assafuah, in his opening remarks, highlighted the significance of the MPI in addressing poverty.

He noted that the index will provide critical insights for tackling poverty and enhancing policy-making at all levels.

He disclosed “according to the Multi-Dimensional Poverty Report issued by the Ghana Statistical Service in June 2020, Ghana’s multidimensional poverty rate was 45.6%.

“However, the 2021 Population and Housing Census data indicates that the rate has reduced to 24.3%, demonstrating the impact of pragmatic policies and interventions.”

Hon Vincent Ekow Assafuah emphasized that the government’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and holistic development is underscored by this initiative.

He stated, “the Government Performance Tracker launched recently demonstrates our commitment to ensure transparency and accountability, to apprise the citizenry on what Government is doing to ameliorate their challenges”.

He commended the Ghana Statistical Service for producing the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Reports for all 261 Districts in Ghana, stating that “these Reports will serve as a tool for targeting beneficiaries for various programs and projects. Additionally, they will provide baseline data to monitor the progress of local level development and the trajectory to eliminating all forms of poverty across Ghana”.

The Deputy Minister also added that the Ministry finds these Reports very useful as they’re mandated to ensure good governance and balanced development of rural and urban areas.

He emphasized “I must say that these Reports will serve as a tool for targeting beneficiaries for various programs and projects. Additionally, these Reports serve as a strategic resource for us, as they provide baseline data to monitor the progress of local level development and the trajectory to eliminating all forms of poverty across Ghana”.

The Minister urged the Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives and Officers to study the Reports to guide their developmental approaches at the local level.

“I wish to encourage the Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives and Officers to take an interest in studying the Reports to guide their developmental approaches at the local level. Indeed, this Report is crucial to achieving your mandate as highlighted in Section 12 of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936)”, he stressed.

He pledged the Ministry’s full commitment to ensuring that all the MMDAs utilize the published report to the fullest to guide their development approaches.

The launch was attended by notable dignitaries, including Prof. Samuel Kobina Annim, the Government Statistician; Dr. Kodjo Mensah-Abrampa, Director-General for the National Development Planning Commission; the Country Director, World Bank; the Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives; and other development partners and representatives of professional institutions.

Source: Ghana/ Owusu